2004年8月24日 星期二

The Suger Cube

Krzysztof Kieslowski, Trois Couleurs Bleu
“Here, Juliette, or Julie rejects the man.
He walks out and she is alone.
We now see the source of the music.
The busker.
This is a sugar cube which is about to fall into a cup of coffee.
Why the obsession with close-ups in this film?
Quiet simply, wer are trying to show
how the heroine perceives the world.
We are trying to show that she focuses on small things,
on things which are close to her.
She doesn't care about things which are further away from her.
She is trying to limit her world
to limit it to herself
and her immediate environment...
... We show a close up of a sugar cube soaking up coffee
to show that she is not interested in anything outside
She is not interested in other people, their business,
in the man who loves her and who has found her,
after a long search.
She's not interested in anything at all.
Just the sugar.
She concentrates on it
in order to be able to discard other things.
... At the end of the day who cares about a silly sugar cube?
We don't, unless, for a moment, we enter the world of our heroine,
who watches the sugar cube dissolve into the coffee,
in order to reject an offer she has just received,
from a man who loves her.
From a man who was her lover.
She wants to forget the offer, forget the man,
and forget the music,
because it reminds her of something
she definitely does not want to remember."
