2010年12月12日 星期日






這裡沒有一個地方是我的 / 沒有什麼真的是我的 / 人從來不可能真正擁有什麼 / 或被擁有 / 但我想要的是這麼多於是什麼都不要了 / 我不知道我要什麼 / 我不知道我能要什麼 / 讓那些要的去要吧 / 沒有了 / 都沒有關係 / 我想要相信些什麼 / 但相信不相信我 / 非常困倦 / 不可收拾 /某個時候開始 / 我一直悲傷著 /是我不好但我好不起來。


但她一直在婉轉的告別,在最愛的時候輕聲告訴自己:這很好,但這樣就夠了。因為沒有甚麼會 一 直 好 下 去。


一點點的,閉上眼睛。一點點地變 得  透   明。

2010年12月5日 星期日









傷過心的少女們﹐自此永遠生活在現實與夢幻的交叉點... 恍恍於人間渡過悠悠時日。








2010年12月4日 星期六

The Easter Parade - Richard Yates


可是她意識到就連那也是謊話﹐她突然停止了哭泣﹕這些眼淚﹐就像她這一輩子裡一貫的情形﹐完全是為了自己而流 - 為了可憐而敏感的愛米莉格蘭姆斯﹐誰也不明白她﹐她也什麼事情都弄不明白。


“可是等一下,” 她的姊姊和媽媽正在平靜下來時,愛米莉說,“厄普頓軍營只是個新兵中心,士兵在那兒只待幾天,就會去別的軍營接受基本訓練,然後他們被分配到哪個師裡。如果唐納德是一年前給你寫的信,他很可能現在已經到了國外。” 她本來想加上一句他甚至有可能已經死了,但又不想說得過份。


“喔,愛米,”普吉說,“別煞風景了。你的幽默感哪兒去了?” 她又重複了一遍那句妙語,“我敢打賭是唐納德 克萊昻。”

愛米莉不知道自己的幽默感哪兒去了,可她知道當時不在 - 那天下午晚一點在大屋那裡時也不在,那是她和普吉過去禮節性拜訪老威爾遜夫婦時,她想她是把自己的幽默感和所有別的重要方面都留在了校園。


只用兩天,霍華德就把他的東西從這裡搬走了。他對這一切感到很抱歉。只是有一次,他把像根分量重的絲繩的那束領帶從衣櫃裡拿走時,才總算出現了一幕,進而演變成可怕而不堪入目的一幕 - 最後她跪下來抱著他的腿哀求他,求他留下來 - 愛米莉盡了最大努力,想忘掉這一幕。


...... 有一年時間,她在好像是無所謂地面對世界時,感受到了劇痛 - 幾乎成了快感。看看我吧,在艱苦的一天中間,她會對自己說,看著我吧,我活下來了,我在應付,一切在我控制之下。



“I beg you, my darling
Don't leave me, I'm hurting
Big lonely above everything
Above everyday, I'm hurting”









2010年11月17日 星期三





就像你只能提著一箱行李離開﹐離開前你覺得什麼都需要﹐但其實 - 你什麼也不需要。像那些留在櫥櫃裡的衣服﹐那些留在其它房間的書﹐偶爾你會想起它們 - 但你並不需要它們。永遠有其它衣物﹐其它書﹐其它人...... 一張蜘蛛網破了﹐總能再織一張。而且它甚至沒破。

有什麼結局是絕對完整的。幾年來慢慢建立的回路﹐撒手而去﹐時間一到總是可以用得上。像條不遠處的高速公路﹐她只需要往那個方向去﹐就可以到其它地方。告示牌上寫著不同路標 - 西西里 四十五公里﹔柏林 七十公里﹔哥本哈根 一百六十公里﹔南極 四千五百六十公里。

2010年11月12日 星期五

When You Are Engulfed in Flames - David Sedaris

This Old House

Given enough time, I guess anything can look good. All it has to do is survive.

All the Beauty You Will Ever Need

it broke my heart to think of him marching across a muddy field with a bouquet in his hand.  He does these things that are somehow beyond faggy and seem better suited to some hardscrabble pioneer wife: making jam, say or sewing bedroom curtains out of burlap.  Once I caught him down at the riverbank, beating our dirty clothes against a rock.  This was before we got a washing machine, but still, he could have laundered things in the tub.  "Who are you?" I'd said, and, as he turned, I half expected to see a baby at his breast,

It's astonishing the amount of time that certain straight people devote to gay sex - trying to determine what goes where and how often.  They can't imagine any system outside their own, and seem obsessed with the idea of roles, both in bed and out of it.  

Memento Mori

"He's our mascot," the store manager said.  "We couldn't possibly get rid of him."
In America athis translates to "Make me an offer," but in France they really mean it.  There are shops in Paris where nothing is for sale, no matter how hard you beg.  I think eople get lonely.  Their apartments become full, and, rather than rent a storage space, they take over a boutique.  Then they sit there in the middle of it, gloating over their fine taste. 

Town and Country

The man was foreign, but I have no idea where he was from.  One of those tragic countries, I supposed, a land beset by cobras and typhoons.  But that's half the world, really.

Old Faithful

I'd met my first boyfriend in a place called the Man Hole - not the sort of name that suggests fidelity.  It was like meeting somone at fisticuffs and then complaining when he turned out to be violent.

Most likely my father was having some problem at work and needed to remind himself that he was not completely worthless.  It sounds like something you'd read on a movie poster: sometimes the sins you haven't committed are all you have to hold on to.  If you're really desperate, you might need to grope, saying, for example, "I've never killed anyone with a hammer" or "I've never stolen from anyone who didn't deserve it."

then I looked over at the elderly couple, thinking, See, we're talking witch burnings!  It's work, though, and it's always my work.  If I left it up to Hugh, we'd just sit there acting like what we are: two people so familiar with each other they could scream. 

2010年11月9日 星期二

碎片 fragment s

這應該要結束了。然而我要去哪﹖我不知道自己在這裡做什麼﹐(我的手有些奇怪...... isn't that how it started in nausea?)﹐面前那個人無比熟悉又無比陌生。這應該結束了。但它沒有結束。我不知道怎麼讓它結束。為什麼要結束。結束因為我不知道它為什麼開始。我不知道它要往哪裡去。不。其實只是這刻你希望它結束。四個小時以後你會感覺不同。或許。但只要開始就會繼續下去。不管是繼續結束還是繼續開始。

一切都只剩下符號。過去傳來的回音。沒有什麼是新的... 所有線索都歸類在過去。not a new language, not a new character, no new setting, nothing. 如果是新的它會更觸動你還是更不觸動你﹖一向以來你看著他覺得奇異。其實他是透明的。你開始擁抱因為他已出現﹐像出現在臺上的演員﹐你說出臺詞像此刻臺詞從你指上自動出現。其他只是身體過份寂寞。

不我們沒有辦法繼續下去。我想不到這種可能。我確定我想過﹐曾經的字裡行間。但那過去了。我不知道為什麼我哭﹐我沒有辦法解釋。如 Damasio 說情感來在理智前。心碎的機制如何產生。或許我難過。但我不想解釋。理智不願處理。它說﹕此部門恕不受理。

那是愛嗎。It's children' game. It's a nostalgic replay.  What does it mean?  It doesn't mean anything.  It's a messy script which scenes don't even go together.  Like a retro commercial that gives you tender feelings yet ridiculous in its own term.  It has no authenticity.  復古的價值在於它不再存在。在於中間那些過去的時間。與它本身脫節。在復古身上人們要找到的是曾經的自己。

伸出手 - 那片雲霧 - 你將無法致信它不曾存在的程度。

2010年10月31日 星期日

Eating the Dinosaur - Chuck Klosterman

Errol Morris

Modern forms of lie detection - methods that go beyond that polygraph.  The writer's idea was that we can actually record activity inside the brain that proves who is or who isn't lying.  It suggests that the brain is some kind of 'reality recorder' and that we know when we are lying.  But I think those kinds of lies represent a very small piece of the pie.  I think the larger sect of liars are people who think they are telling the truth, but who really have no idea what the truth is.  So the deeper question is, what's more important: narrative consistency or truth?  I think we are always trying to create a consistent narrative for ourselves.  I think truth always akes a backseat to narrative.  Truth has to sit at the back of the bus. 

Most lying is just an accepted part of the world... if you don't want to know something, can you not know it?  Can you convince yourself that you don't know it?  Can you actually not know it, in some real sense?  Can you form a barrier to knowing things? 

I'm a great believer in self-deception.  If you asked me what makes the world go round, I would say self-deception.  Self-deception allows us to create a consistent narrative for ourselves that we actually believe.  I'm not saying that the truth doesn't matter.  It does.  But self-deception is how we survive. 

But it wasn't just a nice car, it was a Lexus.  A Lexus.  That's a specific kind of nice car.  Everyone knows what owning a Lexus means.  To Cobain, a lavender limousine would have been preferable to a Lexus, because at least that would have been gratuitous and silly.  The limousine is awake of its excess; a Lexus is at easy with it.  A Lexus is a car for a serious rich person.  There are no ironic Lexus drivers, or even post-ironic Lexus drivers. 

Although I'm not sure which one it's unfair to.  I feel sorry for both of them.  I can see it both ways.  That's my problem.

Football allows the intellectual part of my brain to evolve, but it allows the emotional part to remain unchanged.  It has a liberal cerebellum and a reactionary heart.  And this is all I want from everything, all the time, always. 

It will always seem stupid, because canned laughter represents the worst qualities of insecure people... Insecurity is part of being alive.  But it's never less complicated than this.  It's never less complicated than a machine that tries to make you feel like you're already enjoying something, simply because people you'll never meet were convinced to laugh at something else entirely.

2010年10月25日 星期一




雪在光裡飄在街上。一個全色的黑夜﹐對面的是千篇一律、標準的、無數的窗﹐千篇一律﹐她忘了有沒有燈光。這是一個沒有人的場景﹐只有她﹐觀眾全在等她﹐她的對手在等她作戲﹐等她說話。他有一切的把握和臺詞﹐她不用回頭也感到那毫不在乎的神氣。一片雪花毫無規律的飄.... 高高... 下下...... 離開了視線。或許她知道要來的是什麼﹐或許她感覺到了 - 即將發生的剝離﹐一點點賠出去﹐直到一切鋪平﹐無所謂 - 但戲即將開場﹐她深呼吸﹐走進另一間房。第一幕。

2010年10月19日 星期二



格蘭充份流露著一個當地政府小僱員的外表特徵與定型姿態。他又高又瘦﹐看起來好像在他那身基於以為可以穿得久一點的幻想﹐而時常故意選大一號的衣服中失蹤了。.... 他具有微不足道的一切屬性。你只能想像他彎在一張辦公桌上﹐專心一志地修訂室內浴室的價目表﹐或者替某一位低級秘書整理關於垃圾清潔稅的報告資料﹔如果你要另作其他想像﹐實在相當費力。甚至在你知道他的職位以前﹐你也會有一種感覺 - 他只是為了執行每天薪水僅有六十二法郎三十生丁的臨時市政助理僱員那些奉命惟謹但又有其必要的工作而來到這個世界。



「人正『是』一個觀念﹐一個寶貴的微小觀念﹐一旦他背棄了愛。並且我的看法﹔我們 - 人類 - 已經失去了愛的能力。醫生﹐我們必須面對這個事實。我們要耐心地等待﹐以求獲得那種能力﹐假若那真是我們力所不及的東西。讓我們等待各人遲早會來的那種拯救﹐而用不著扮演英雄角色。就我個人而言﹐我不向更遠的地方看。」


「你是對的﹐十分的對﹐我決不為了世界上任何東西而試圖說服你不做你所要做的事﹔我認為它絕對正確而適當。但是﹐有一件事我必須告訴你﹔在這一切當中﹐決無英雄主義可言。這只是一種普通的禮儀。這個觀念可能會使某些人發笑﹐然而唯一能夠反擊一場瘟疫的武器﹐就就只有 - 普通禮儀。 我不知道別人認為它是什麼意思。就我而言﹐它就存乎做我的本份工作。」


2010年10月18日 星期一

Good Morning, Midnight - Jean Rhys

If someone had come to me and asked me if I wished to be born I think I should have answered No.  I'm sure I should have answered No.  But no one asked me.  I am here not throught my will.  Most things that happen to me - they are not my will either.  And so that's what I say to myself all the time: "You didn't ask to be born, you didn't make the world as it is, you didn't make yourself as you are.  Why torment yourself?  Why not take life just as it comes?  You have the right to; you are not on of the guilty ones. 

Well, what harm can he do to me?  He is out for money and I haven't got any.  I am invulnerable.

Yes, I'll have the sheets changed.  I'll lie in bed all day, pull the curtains and shut the damned world out. ...  There was a monsieur, but the monsieur has gone.  There was more than one monsieur, but they have all gone.  What an assortment!  One of every kind...

At this moment a taxi draws up.  Without a word he gets into it, bangs the door and drives off, leaving me standing there on the pavement.

And did I mind?  Not at all, not at all.  If you think I minded then you've never lived like that, plunged in a dream, when all the faces are masks and only the trees are alive and you can almost see the strings that are pulling the puppets.  Close-up of human nature - isn't it worth something?

But this is my attitude to life.  Please, please, monsieur et madame, mister, missis and miss, I am trying so hard to be like you.  I know I don't succeed, but look how hard I try.  Three hours to choose a hat; every morning an hour and a half trying to make myself look like everybody else.  Every word I say has chains round its ankles; every thought I think is weighted with heavy weights.

But it wasn't all that that mattered.  It wasn't that he knew so exactly when to be cruel, so exactly how to be kind.  ... He had gone out to buy something to eat.  I was behind the curtain and I saw him in the street below, standing by a lamp-post, looking up at our window, looking for me.  He seemed very thin and small and I saw the expression on his face quite plainly.  Anxious, he was... When I saw him looking up like that I knew that I loved him, and that it was for always.  It was as if my heart turned over, and I knew that it was for always.  It's a strange feeling - when you know quite certainly in yourself that something is for always.  It's like what death must be. 

2010年10月11日 星期一

Hollywood - Charles Bukowski

"We have just landed upon the outpost of death.  My soul is puking."
"Will you stop worrying about your soul?"

It opened to this tall slim delicate type, you smelled artistry all over him.  You could see he had been born to Create, to Create grand things, totally unhindered, never bothered by such petty things as toothache, self-doubt, lousy luck.  He was one of those who looked like a genius.  I looked like a dishwasher so these types always pissed me just a bit.

"I probably would have lost anyhow.  A gambler without an excuse is a gambler who can't continue."

I looked in the mirror.  I liked myself but I didn't like myself in the mirror.  I didn't look like that.  I finished my drink.


Isn't there another part of you somewhere?

Well, shit.  I was in the 6th grade, I think.  The teacher asked us to write something about our most moving experience.  And I don't mean like moving to Denver.

Anyhow, I wrote about this frog I found in the garden.  He had one of his legs caught in a wire fence.  He couldn't get away.  I got his leg out of the wire fence but he still wouldn't move.

So I held him in my lap and talked to him.  I told him that I was trapped, that my life was caught in something too.  I talked to him for a long tmie.  At last he hopped out of my lp and hopped across the lawn and vanished into some brush.  And I said to myself that he was the first things that I had ever missed in my life.

The teacher read it to the class.  Everybody cried.  Well, I thought that some day I might be a writer.

"I want a castle, I want 6 children and a big fat wife.  So when I lose at gambling somebody will take to me.  Now when I lose at gambling nobody talks to me."
I wanted to suggest that when he lost at gambling maybe a fat wife and 6 chlidren might not talk to him either.  But I didn't.  Francois was suffering enough. 

Sarah found people to talk to.  She was lucky.  Every time somebody spoke to me I felt like diving out a window or taking the elevator down.  People just weren't interesting.  Maybe they weren't supposed to be.  But animals, birds, even insects were.  I couldn't understand it.

Maybe they were waiting for me to get drunk and insane and abusive like I sometimes did at parties.  But I doubted that.  They were just dull inside.  there was nothing for them to do bus stay within the self that was not quite there.  That wasn't too painful.  It was a soft place to be. 

Adoptation - Charlie Kaufman



What if I learned Russian or something, or took up an instrument. I could speak Chinese. I’d be the screenwriter who speaks Chinese and plays the oboe. That would be cool. I should get my hair cut short. Stop trying to fool myself and everyone else into thinking I have a full head of hair. How pathetic is that. Just be real. Confident. Isn’t that what women are attracted to? Men don’t have to be attractive. But that’s not true. Especially these days. Almost as much pressure on men as there is on women these days. Why should I be made to feel I have to apologize for my existence? Maybe it’s my brain chemistry. Maybe that’s what’s wrong with me. Bad chemistry. All my problems and anxiety can be reduced to a chemical imbalance or some kind of misfiring synapses. I need to get help for that. But I’ll still be ugly though. Nothing’s going to change that.

2010年9月28日 星期二

Sleep With Me - Hanif Kureishi

Charles I'm so relaxed these days I'm hardly alive.  Are you in therapy yet?
Julie Everybody talks about themselves enough as it is.
Charles That's because it's the one thing most people know anything about.

Julie Ah... You love the children.
Stephen Your anger is unbearable.
Julie You make me like this.  You don't let me in.
Stephen You wouldn't like what you saw.

Sophie That's the mistake, though - thinking you can find everything there... Families, if you don't mind me saying so, are mental hospitals.

The Body - Hanif Kureishi

Beside my numerous contradictions - I am, I have been told, at least three different people - I am unstable, too, lost in myself, envious, and constantly in need of reassurance.  My wife says that I have craziness, bewildering moods and "internal disappearances" I am not even aware of.  I can go into the shower as one man and emerge as another, worse, one.  My pupils enlarge, I move around obsessively, I yell and stamp my feet.  A few words of criticism and I can bear a grudge for three days at a time, convinced she is plotting against me.  None of this has diminished, despite years of self-analysis, therapy, and "writing as healing," as some of my students used to all the attempt to make art.  Nothing has cured me of myself, of the self I cling to.  If you asked me, I would probably say that my problems are myself; my life is my dilemmas.  I'd better enjoy them, then.

How fidelity interferes with love, at times!  What were refinement and the intellect compared to a sublime fuck?

It has, at least, become clear that it is our pleasure, rather than our addictions and vices, that are our greatest problems.  Pleasure can change you in an instant; it can take you anywhere.  If these gratifications were intoxicating and almost mystical in their intensity, I learned, when something stranger happened, that indulgence wasn't a full-time job and reality was a shore where dreams broke.

People either want eternal life or they want out right now.

I was a stranger on the earth, a nobody with nothing, belonging nowhere, a body alone, condemned to begin again, in the nightmare of eternal life.

2010年9月2日 星期四

Intimacy - Hanif Kureishi

Silence, like darkness, can be kind; it, too, is a language.  Couples have good reason for not speaking.

Their reluctance to go to sleep I don't understand.  For months the highlight of my day has been the anticipation of unconsciousness.

Ambition without imagination is always clumsy.

"But marriage is a battle, a terrible journey, a season in hell and a reason for living.  You need to be equipped in all areas, not just the sexual."
"Yes," I said, dully. "I know."
Oh to be equipped in all areas.

No wonder everyone wants it - as if they have known such love before and can barely remember it, yet are compelled ever after to seek it as the single thing worth living for.  Without love, most of life remains concealed.  Nothing is as fascinating as love, unfortunately.

I know love is dark work; you have to get your hands dirty.  If you hold back, nothing interesting happens.  At the same time, you have to find the right distance between people.  Too close, and they overwhelm you; too far and they abandon you.

She is of a disapproving generation of women.  She thinks she's a feminist but she's just bad-tempered.

Suddenly I had the feeling that everything was as it should be and nothing could add to this happiness or contentment.  This was all that there was, and all that could be.  The best of everything had accumulated in this moment.  It could only have been love. 

2010年8月29日 星期日

Midnight All Day - Hanif Kureishi

That Was Then

We are unerring in our choice of lovers, particularly when we require the wrong person.  There is an instinct, magnet or aerial which seeks the unsuitable.  The wrong person is, of course, right for something - to punish, bully or humiliate us, let us down, leave us for dead, or, worst of all, give us the impression that they are not inappropriate, but almost right, thus hanging us in love's limbo.  Not just anyone can do this. 

A Meeting, At Last

Eric said, "My children are going to be pretty angry with you when they find out what you've done to us."        
 "Yes," said Morgan. "Who could blame them?"
 "They're big and expensive. They eat like horses."

Morgan thought he had been afraid of happiness, and kept it away; he had been afraid of other people, and had kept them away.  He was still afraid, but it was too late for that.
"What?" said Eric.
"I've decided," said Morgan.  "The answer is yes.  Yes to everything!  Now you must get out." He stopped the car.  "Out, I said!"

The Umbrella

He had always been proud of the idea that he was a good man who treated people fairly.  He did not want to impose himself.  The world would be a better place if people considered their actions.  Perhaps he had put himself on a pedestal.  "You have a high reputation - with yourself!"  a friend had said.  Everyone was entitled to some pride and vanity.  However, this whole business with his wife had stripped hi of his moral certainities.  There was no just or objective way to resolve competing claims: those of freedom - his freedom - to have his dependable presence.  but no amount of conscience or morality would make him go back.  He had not missed his wife for a moment.

"No.  No umbrella," she said.
He said, "There were three there last week."
"Maybe there were."
"Are there not still three umbrellas there?"
"Maybe there are," she said.
"Give me one."
"I'm not giving you one, " She said.  "If there were a thousand umbrellas there I would not give you one."

2010年8月26日 星期四

《夜車》 Night Train - Martin Amis

但人們的一些行為往往是在沒人知道的情況下發聲的。人們殺人﹐埋葬﹐離婚﹐結婚﹐變性﹐發瘋﹐生小孩...... 全都沒人知道。人們神不知鬼不覺地在廁所生下了三胞胎。

2010年8月17日 星期二

The Fall - Camus

I know of others who have appearance on their side and are no more faithful or sincere.  I knew a man who gave twenty years of his life to a scatterbrained woman, sacrificing everything to her, his friendships, his work, the very respectability of his life, and who one evening recognized that he had never loved her.  He had been bored, that's all, bored like most people.  Hence he had made himself out of whole cloth a life full of complication and drama.  Something must happen - and that explains most human commitments.  Something must happen, even loveless slavery, even war or death.  

Without desire, women bored me beyond all expectation, and obviously I bored them too.  No more gambling and no more theater - I was probably in the realm of truth.  But truth, cher ami, is a colossal bore.  

There are always reasons for murdering a man.  On the contrary, it is impossible to justify his living.  That's why crime always finds lawyers, and innocence only rarely.  

A person I knew used to divide human beings into three categories: those who prefer having nothing to hide rather than being obliged to lie, those who prefer lying to having nothing to hide, and finally  those who like both lying and the hidden... But what do I care?  Don't lies eventually lead to the truth?  And don't all my stories, truth or false, tend toward the same conclusion?  Don't they all have the same meaning?  So what does it matter whether they are true or false if, in both cases, they are significant of what I have been and of what I am?  Sometimes it is easier to see clearly into the liar than into the man who tells the truth.  Truth, like light, blinds.  Falsehood, on the contrary, is a beautiful twilight that enhances every object. 

2010年8月7日 星期六

勘誤表 Errata: an Examined Life - George Steiner

無論是情感、智識及專業各方面﹐我都不信任理論。只要我能力所及﹐在科學﹐或是某種程度內的應用科學裡﹐我能夠把意義和理論概念相結合。理論可以從數學或邏輯驗證中成立﹐而它們要求的是關鍵的實驗以驗證其真偽﹐如果實驗結果不符﹐理論就會被取代。但在人文學科、歷史研究及社會研究或是品評文學及藝術﹐要從「理論」著手﹐我覺得是虛偽不實的。人文學科既不須實驗﹐也無法驗證(除非是就物質的﹐紀實的層次來談)。我們對人文學科的翻譯是直覺的敘事。在語意無拘無束的活力中﹐在意義的長流裡﹐在詮釋不受限制的交互作用裡﹐唯一的命題是個人選擇、品味、回 音的相近或聽而不聞。...... 我認為當前理論在文學、歷史、社會學等論述的勝利﹐其實是自我欺騙﹔無非是因為科學站上風﹐人文學科為了背水一戰而發展出來的。


羅馬劇作家說﹕「只要是人性的﹐於我都無甚陌生」(Nihil alienum)。或者換一種方式說﹕有時候﹐其他人的出現哪裡比得上我自己更令自己感到陌生﹖

我相信﹐從生理局限的解放出來﹐從我們自身死亡以及個人和集體失望的外在永恆毫無出口的牆垣解放﹐靠的無非是語言。就生物社會的角色而言﹐我們確實是短命的哺乳動物﹐和其他動物一樣會絕跡。但是我們是語言動物﹐這一點天賦異秉非常重要﹐使我們短暫生命變得能夠忍受且有意義。人類言說的演化 -也許來得遲 -假設句﹐祈使句﹐反事實的條件句﹐及動詞的未來時態(並非所有語言都有時態)﹐已定義並保障了我們的人性。正是因為我們能夠述說有關十億年後的宇宙故事﹐無論是虛構的或是數字 - 宇宙論的﹐因為我們能夠﹐如前所述﹐討論、概念化自己火化之後的星期一早晨﹐因為「如果」的句子能夠隨意地去否定﹐重建﹐改變過去、現在、和未來﹐以另一種可能勾勒實際現實的決定因素﹐所以存在始終值得體驗。文法就是希望。

2010年8月6日 星期五

臨時愛情 - 哈金


2010年8月3日 星期二







2010年7月31日 星期六


走到路上去,夜裡。一一和他們說話。那是你最適合的角色...... 一個鬼魂。夜裡的那些城市。你走過。你熟悉的。黃色的照在地上的燈,洗刷過石板路發光的雨。其它的遊魂。橋墩。兩邊的聖人。山上一個發亮的城堡。無人的櫥窗前。 

喔。說了什麼並不重要。交換過什麼並不重要。因為夜包裹著你們- 它永遠不會結束。親愛的。它永遠不會結束。

2010年7月3日 星期六





2010年6月29日 星期二

為什麼我的世界始終沒有變小 - Tony Wheeler

... 今天我們生活的這個星球看起來像是陷入了一個永無休止的怪圈:衝突,誤解還有悲傷和心碎。但與此同時旅行也一直在不斷地提醒我們:我們生存的這個世界是如此美好而這個美好的世界是屬於我們大家的。對於一些國家來說,旅遊業對他們的經濟十分重要,而對於無數旅行者來說,旅行則會給他們帶來巨大的滿足和喜悅。但更為重要的是旅行能夠以最積極的方式去幫助人與人相互結識,去讓我們認識到我們有著同樣的希望和渴求,去證明我們可以擁有一個更美好的世界。

不管經歷過多少陽光與風雨,也不管在這些年裡Lonely Planet 帶著我走過多少徬徨,對我而言,旅行一直都讓我充滿熱情,我也願意為之付出一切。塞給我一張機票,告訴我出發的方向,我馬上就可以動身上路。這些旅程不斷提醒我為什麼我的熱情始終未曾退卻,為什麼我的世界始終沒有變小,以及為什麼我的旅行癮似乎,令人幸福地,永遠也不能治癒。

Tony Wheeler
Lonely Planet 創始人

Lonely Planet China Blog

2010年6月19日 星期六

Women - Charles Bukowski

A young guy - at least 6 feet 6 inch tall - walked up to me. "Look, Chinaski, I don't believe all that shit about you living on skidrow and knowing all the dope dealers, pimps, whores, junkies, horse players, fighters and drunks...."
"it's partly true."
"Bullshit," he said and walked off. A literary critic.
Then this blonde, about 19, with rimless glasses and a smile walked up. The smile never left. "I want to fuck you," she said. "it's your face."
"What about my face?"
"It's magnificent. I want to destroy your face with my cunt."
"It might be the other way around."
"Don't bet on it."
"You're right. Cunts are indestructible."

I took my bottle and went to my bedroom.  I undressed down to my shorts and went to bed.  Nothing was ever in tune.  people just blindly grabbed at whatever there was: communism, health foods, zen, surfing, ballet, hypnotism, group encounters, orgies, biking, herbs, Catholicism, weight-lifting, travel, withdrawal, vegetarianism, India, painting, writing, sculpting, composing, conducting, backpacking, yoga, copulating, gambling, drinking, hanging around, frozen yogurt, Beethoven, Bach, Buddha, Christ, TM, H, carrot juice, suicide, handmade suits, jet travel, New York City, and then it all evaporated and fell apart.  People had to find things to do while waiting to die.  I guess it was nice to have a choice.
I took my choice.  I raised the fifth of vodka and drank it straight.  the russians knew something.

人間失格 - 太宰治


和崛木交往的另一個好處﹐是他完全不理會對方的想法﹐一味任憑自己的熱情發散(也許所謂的熱情﹐就是無視對方的立場) ﹐一天二十四小時總是言不及義﹐完全不必擔心我們兩人走累了﹐會陷入尷尬的沉默中。

2010年6月16日 星期三







2010年6月15日 星期二

A Week at the Airport: A Heathrow Diary - Alain de Botton

I was reminded of the Roman philosopher Seneca's treatise On Anger, written for the benefit of the Emperor Nero, and in particular of its thesis that the root cause of anger is hope. We are angry because we are overly optimistic, insufficiently prepared for the frustrations endemic to existence. A man who scream every time he loses his key or is turned away at an airport is evincing a touching but recklessly naive belief in a world in which keys never go astray and our travel plans are invariably assured.

I know, at least in theory, that Norcock could not always, in every circumstance, be a model of authoritative and patriarchal behaviiour. He, too, must be capable of petulance, of vanity, of acting foolishly, of making casually cruel remarks to his spouse or neglecting to understand his children. There are no directional charts for daily life. But at the same time, I was reluctant to either accept or exploit the implications of this knowledge. I wanted to believe in the capacity of certain professions to enable us to escape the ordinary run of our frailties and to accede, if only for a moment, to a more impressive sort of existence than most of us will ever know.

Another man explained that he had been visiting his wife and children in London, but that he had a second family in Los Angeles who knew nothing about the first. He had five children in all, and two mothers-in-law, yet his face bore none of the strains of his situation.

'For what purpose is all the toil and bustle of this world? What is the end of the pursuit of wealth, power and pre-eminence? To be observed, to be attended to, to be taken notice of with sympathy, complacency, and approbation.' Adam Smith, The Theoryy of Moral Sentiments (1759)

We may ask our destinations, 'Help me to feel more generous, less afraid, always curious.  put a gap between me and my confusion; the whole of the Atlantic between me and my shame.'  Travel agents would be wiser to ask us what we hope to change about our lives rather than simply where we wish to go.  

2010年5月21日 星期五

性史 - 江平


2010年5月20日 星期四

一座島嶼的可能性 - Michel Houellebecq








我心底裡感覺到的這種專一的愛的情感﹐它正在越來越殘酷地折磨我﹐最後甚至可能把我徹底消滅﹐但是﹐它跟她身上的任何東西絕對都沒有牽連﹐它沒有絲毫的確鑿證明﹐絲毫的存在理由﹕我們的肌膚是各不相同的﹐我們不可能感覺同樣的痛苦﹐也不能體驗同樣的快樂﹐我們顯而易見是彼此分離的生命。......  也許﹐愛情從來就如同在尼采看來的憐憫那樣 - 只是由弱者發明出來的虛幻架構﹐為的是讓強者覺得有罪﹐為的是給他們本質上的自由和他們本質上的殘忍設下界限。

2010年5月19日 星期三

Pregnant Widow - Martin Amis

"I had a birthday suit once, but it doesn't fit anymore."

When he recently became a grandfather - he has two grown sons from a previous marriage and an adult daughter.  "it was like a telegram from the mortuary."

2010年5月18日 星期二


我需要它去杀某个人 在昨天

那没有他们说的实用阶梯 然而我

我需要它来歌唱 在今天


1 讓我再見一次大夫



4 媚笑陽台



2010年5月10日 星期一

四章書 泰戈爾



2010年5月5日 星期三

The Impulse Factor - Nick Tasler

You might fancy yourself as unpredictable, but even your self-proclaimed unpredictability makes you all too predictable.  

One of the peculiar traits often found in people with attention deficits is that they are also prone to periods of "hyperattentiveness."  Instead of their minds wandering, they become intensely focused.  It is as if their dopamine receptors roam aimlessly through a catalog of new experiences searching for adequate stimulation.  When they find that stimulation, they fervently attack it.  They "figure out a way to make it keep going."  If the time pressure were absent, the stimulation would be missing as well.

Seth Godin:"bring me three failures by the end of the week or you're fired."
"Now, of course, safe is risky."
"safest thing they can do, it turns out, is become a thrill seeker."

2010年5月1日 星期六

可笑的愛 - Milan Kundera





老實說﹐要是有一天我得放棄這些象征著青春的追求行動﹐我做不做得到﹖要是我不要只是「模仿」這些追求的舉動﹐不要在我理智的生活中闢一個小小的場地﹐保留給這個愚蠢的活動﹐ 那我又能做些什麼呢﹖就算這一切只是無益的遊戲﹐那又有什麼關係呢﹖而且我知道了這些﹐又有什麼關係呢﹖我會因為這個遊戲是無益的﹐而放棄嗎﹖





小鎮平庸的品味製造了一種假的理想美﹐基本上﹐這種理想美是非情色的﹐甚至是反情色的﹐而真正魅力的所在﹐情色的、具有爆炸性的美﹐卻不是這種品味的人所能領略的。在這裡﹐我們周圍的確有些女人能夠引導男人去經歷最刺激的感官冒險﹐只是沒有人察覺她們的存在。...... 因為她們不符合這裡得標準﹔事實上﹐情色的魅力是藉由獨特性來表現的﹐而非藉由規格化﹔是藉由表達力來表現的﹐而非藉由度量標準﹔是藉由不規律性來表現的﹐而非藉由平庸的漂亮。






... 要是你對他說實話﹐把你真正的想法告訴他﹐這意思就是說﹐你同意和一個瘋子進行嚴肅的對話﹐你同意你自己也是個瘋子。我們所處的這個世界正是這個樣子。如果你執意要當一個人的面說實話﹐這就表示你嚴肅的看待他。嚴肅的看待一件根本不嚴肅的事﹐意味著自己也要喪失自己的嚴肅。我啊﹐我為了不要嚴肅看待瘋子﹐不要自己也變成瘋子﹐就「必須」說謊。

2010年4月20日 星期二

我們那個時代的民間傳說/高度資本主義前史 - 村上春樹


「我在她那裡停留的時間﹐總共一個小時左右。我記不太清楚﹐不過大概是那麼久。差不多是那種程度。如果繼續留在那裡﹐我覺得自己也許會變得神志不清呢。」他這麼說之後露出微笑。「然後我對她說聲再見就離開了。她也對我說再見。於是那真的就是最後的再見了。我明白那一點﹐她也明白。我最後看她時﹐她雙手抱在胸前﹐站在門口。她似乎想說什麼﹐但什麼也沒有說。她想說些什麼﹐我不問也知道。我覺得非常...... 非常空虛。好笑一個空洞。周遭的聲音奇怪地響著。各種東西的模樣都歪歪扭扭的。我在那一帶漫無目的地走著。我覺得﹐自己以往的歲月仿彿像是毫無意義的消耗。我好像立刻折回她家﹐不顧一切把她緊緊抱住。可是那種事我做不到。根本做不到。」



2010年3月28日 星期日

Liberty - Paul Eluard (1945)

On my school notebooks
On my desk and on the trees
On the powdery snow
I write your name

On the pages read
On all the blank pages
Stone, blood, paper or ash
I write your name

On the gilt imgaines
On the warriors' weapons
On the king's crown
I write your name

On the jungle and the desert
On the nests and the briers
On the echo of my youth
I write your name

On all my blue scarves
On the damp sunlit swamps
On the living moonlit lake
I write your name

On the fields, on the horizon
On the birds' wings
And on the shadowy mill
I write your name

On every daybreak breeze
On the sea, on the boats
On the demented peaks
I write your name

On the froth of the cloud
On the sweat of the storm
On the dense, flat rain
I write your name

On the scintillating forms
On the colorful bells
On the physical truth
I write your name

On the elevated paths
On the deployed roads
On the overcrowded city square
I write your name

On the lit lamp
On the spent lamp
On my reunited reasonings
I write your name

On the bisected fruit
Of my mirror and my room
On my bed, my empty shell
I write your name

On my dog, sweet gourmand
On his piqued ears
On his blundering paws
I write your name

On the latch of my door
On those familiar objects
On the torrent of a bonfire
I write your name

On all comfortable flesh
On the foreheads of my friends
On all outstretched hands
I write your name

On the windowpane of surprises
On the expectant lips
Far deeper than silence
I write your name

On my ruiined hiding-places
On my sunken lighthouses
On my walls and my boredom
I write your name

On absence without desire
On naked solitude
On death's march
I write your name

And by the power of a word
I regain my life
I was born to know you
To name you


The Infinity of Lists - Umberto Eco

The fear of being unable to say everything seizes us not only when we are faced with an infinity of names but also with an infinity of things.  

Quisquis amat ranam, ranam putat esse Dianam [whosoever loves a frog, thinks that frog Diana].

Finally, we come to the Mother of all Lists, infinite by definition because it is in constant evolution, the World Wide Web, which is both web and labyrinth, not an ordered tree, and which of all vertigos promises us the most mystical, almost totally virtual one, and really offers us a catalogue of iinformation that makes us feel wealthy and omnipotent, the only snag being that we don't know which of its elements refers to data from the real world and which does not, no longer with any distinction between truth and error. 

上癮五百年 Forces of Habit - David T Courtwright

我要...... 一個撒了糖霜的蛋糕﹐但希望是巧克力口味的﹐裡面的巧克力也要黑得像被燻黑的魔鬼屁股。Marquis de Sade

幸福感與解脫感都是化學分子湊巧產生的結果。只有少數有毒的分子(如果這些分子能夠順利進入循環系統並且穿越從血液到大腦的障礙) 能夠模擬或影響腦部的獎賞與痛苦的控制中樞之內的神經傳導素。身體機能在快感方面很是吝嗇。誘發幸福感的神經傳導素分配得非常儉省﹐而且大都發給對於求生或繁衍后代有益的表現。藥物會矇騙這個發送系統﹐促使這些誘發快感的神經傳導素暫時增多。

曾經上癮的人就算徹底解毒  - 古柯鹼之類的藥物完全戒除乾淨可能需要好幾個月時間﹐也會變了一個人。大腦會記得達到快感的化學藥物捷徑﹐生活環境中的細微線索 - 例如常去的酒館招牌 - 都可能挑起強烈的渴望。藥物上癮是一種慢性的﹐好復發的腦部疾病。




Michael Ondaatje - Divisadero

When I come to lie in your arms, you sometimes ask me in which historical moment do I wish to exist. And I will say Paris, the week Colette died... Paris, August 3rd, 1954. In a few days, at her state funeral, a thousand lilies will be placed by her grave, and I want to be there, walking that avenue of wet lime trees until I stand beneath the second-floor apartment that belonged to her in the Palais-Royal. The history of people like her fills my heart. she was a writer who remarked that her only virtue was self-doubt. (A day sor two before she died, they say Colette was visited by Jean Genet, who stole nothing. Ah, The grace of the great thief...)

'We have art," Nietzche said, "so that we shall not be destroyed by the truth."

那些我躺在你手臂上的時刻﹐有時你問我最想回到哪個歷史時段。我會說巴黎﹐科雷特過世的那個禮拜...... 1954年﹐八月三日的巴黎。幾天後﹐在她的國葬上﹐千百朵百合擺在她的墓前﹐我想在那裡﹐走過菩提树的大道﹐來到她在大皇宮二樓的公寓樓下。像她一樣的人生令我感動。她唯一的道德就是自我懷疑﹐這樣的一個作家。(人們說﹐惹內在她死前一兩天拜訪了她﹐什麼都沒偷。啊竊賊的善意...)


2010年3月25日 星期四

prayer in bad weather - Bukowski


it's not the fucking and sucking
alone that reaches into a man
and softens him, it's the extras,
it's all the extras.

2010年3月23日 星期二

Tropical of Cancer - Henry Miller

已經完全沒有什麼可以期待的了。這個體認對我來說﹐有非常重大的意義。日復一日﹐年復一年﹐可以說﹐這大半輩子我一直在期待能發生什麼事﹐期待外來的事件來改變我的生活﹐而現在﹐突然之間﹐由於對一切事情的徹底絕望﹐我得到解放﹐感覺好像一個重擔剛從肩膀上卸下來。天快亮的時候﹐我和年輕的印度人分手。走之前﹐我跟他要了幾個法郎﹐找個旅館睡不成問題。走到蒙帕那斯附近﹐我決定要讓自己隨波逐流﹐決不跟命運做任何抵抗﹐不管命運以什麼姿態出現。到目前為止﹐在我身上發生過的事情﹐還沒有任何一件足以摧毀我﹐被摧毀的﹐只是我的妄想。我人還是完好如初﹐世界也一樣完好如初。明天也許會有一場革命﹐一場瘟疫﹐或一場大地震﹔明天也許你就找不到半個人同情你﹐幫助你﹐鼓勵你。對我來說﹐一場巨大的災難似乎已經清清楚楚的擺在眼前﹐我再也不可能像這一刻一樣孤獨。我下定決心﹐絕對不再依附任何東西﹐絕對不再期待任何東西﹐今後我要像動物﹐野獸﹐流浪漢﹐土匪一樣過活。...... 我已經找到了上帝﹐可是他實在不夠看。精神上我是死了﹐肉體上我還活著﹐道德上我無牽無掛。我離開的世界是一個動物園﹐黎明的曙光正照耀著一個新的世界﹐一個叢林世界﹐在這個世界﹐野獸餓了就會伸長利爪﹐仰天長嘯。如果我是土狼﹐那我是一隻瘦又餓的土狼﹕現在我準備上路把自己養胖。

Niccolo Machiavelli, d. 1527

I desire to go to Hell and not to Heaven. In the former I shall enjoy the company of popes, kings and princes, while in the latter are only beggars, monks and apostles.

Charles Bukowski - The Genius Of The Crowd

there is enough treachery, hatred violence absurdity in the average
human being to supply any given army on any given day

and the best at murder are those who preach against it
and the best at hate are those who preach love
and the best at war finally are those who preach peace

those who preach god, need god
those who preach peace do not have peace
those who preach peace do not have love

beware the preachers
beware the knowers
beware those who are always reading books
beware those who either detest poverty
or are proud of it
beware those quick to praise
for they need praise in return
beware those who are quick to censor
they are afraid of what they do not know
beware those who seek constant crowds for
they are nothing alone
beware the average man the average woman
beware their love, their love is average
seeks average

but there is genius in their hatred
there is enough genius in their hatred to kill you
to kill anybody
not wanting solitude
not understanding solitude
they will attempt to destroy anything
that differs from their own
not being able to create art
they will not understand art
they will consider their failure as creators
only as a failure of the world
not being able to love fully
they will believe your love incomplete
and then they will hate you
and their hatred will be perfect

like a shining diamond
like a knife
like a mountain
like a tiger
like hemlock

their finest art

2010年3月22日 星期一

愛之逃 - Bernhard Schilink

他覺得如果自己留下來﹐就得和那女子上床﹐但是他不想。幾年前他突然決定戒煙﹐那種每天不再需要抽上五﹐六十根煙的輕鬆感﹐使他重新思考什麼是非必須品的問題﹐接下來放棄喝酒﹐然後愛情﹐然後食物 - 再來該輪到他的肉身成為非必須品﹐在他看來似乎是容易又自然的步驟。當初他穿上道袍出發時﹐戒掉了喝酒的習慣﹐並且體驗到不再每晚喝光一瓶紅酒的輕鬆感。開始過一個穿上道袍、力行獨身男人的生活時﹐他也接著進行下一步﹐吃飯對他而言反正已經越來越無所謂了。

2010年3月15日 星期一

Cahit Sitki Taranci 火車



2010年3月6日 星期六

遠方的鼓聲 - Haruki Murakami











2010年2月23日 星期二

Candide - Voltaire


- 那麼﹐真的是你了﹐憨第德說﹐你還活著﹐我在葡萄牙又找到了你。那麼你沒有被強暴﹖你的肚子沒有被豁開 - 就像哲學家潘格羅斯確確實實向我講的﹖
- 哦﹐有哇!可愛的克妮岡蒂這樣說﹐但是這兩件事也並不總是叫人會死。


-完全對﹐潘格羅斯說﹔因為人被放到伊甸園的似乎﹐是 ut operaretur eum(為了工作的)﹐因此他必須工作﹔這證明人不是生來悠悠度日的。
... -說得好﹐我們必須耕種我們的園子。




... 但並沒有所謂偶然這回事﹔一切都是試探﹐或懲戒﹐或報償﹐或預支。





都是什麼人在這個時候坐公車﹖車上混合著酒精 香煙 大麻和更不可思議的氣味。剛上車的年輕女子遇見了熟面孔﹐兩人打著千篇一律的招呼﹐隨即又聽她歡呼起來“快快快﹐大錢﹐大錢﹐大錢...... 嘿!!!”她瞪著手機﹐喜不自勝的和剛剛打過招呼的男人說“啊哈!我贏了三塊﹐三塊!”男人定著海獅一樣巨大的臉﹐低沉地回﹐“那很好。”她拍子凌亂地疊著話﹐“三塊﹐很快就是三千塊﹐然後是什麼﹐是六千﹐六十千﹐六百萬﹐唉嘿!”海獅聲調一樣“六十百萬。”女子興奮了“六十百萬!!!啊哈!你不該再哈草了﹐哈哈!”像是她剛剛的推論就十分合理一樣。

發放免費報紙的女子走上前和司機說話﹐司機看也沒看她徑自說“你想就放一些在車上吧。”女子放下了報紙﹐嘴裡一邊討好著快速說著“這麼帥的司機真讓人分心啊!”﹐對話順序似乎錯了﹐兩人都不關心﹐她砰砰砰地跳下車去了。高壯的黑人男子一身昂貴的休閒衣﹐牛仔褲﹐耳朵裡塞著小白耳機﹐盯著手上的黑莓打字﹐這是要去做交易的。亞洲男子在這樣的雨天也戴著墨鏡﹐手裡勾著幾個白色塑膠袋﹐膝上還放著一巷泡面﹐這是要回家的。一群孩子推扯嚷嚷著下了車﹐這是剛下了課不知社會慘痛的。一再也看不出年紀的女子坐在電動輪椅上﹐後面吊著的粉藍色粉紅色玩偶全淋濕 - 這是我怎麼也讀不出來的。

2010年2月15日 星期一

A Portrait Of The Oceanographer As A Young Man.

無論他如何嘗試﹐那記憶一天比一天遙遠。他習慣閉上眼睛在心裡一次次復習一條一條街﹐兩個人經歷過的一舉一動﹐怕忘記又怕自己編造。時間是成形的固體﹐可以感覺一天天清楚地隔在他們中間﹐兩個人都覺得得提高聲調對方才會聽到﹐說什麼都像叫罵。於是也真的吵了幾架。誰也聽不懂誰在講什麼。維根斯坦的游戲竟然有這麼多玩法。每次對話結束都像痛揍了一團棉花﹐無故的疲倦﹐毫無效果 - 除了又忘記對方的表情一點。發現的時候已經面目模糊﹐雖然他不願想不敢講。他知道她正在忘記他像他忘記她一樣。問題是她永遠不 一 定 要到任何地方。

無愛繁殖 - 韋勒貝克





2010年2月8日 星期一

Plateforme - Michel Houellebecq







2010年2月3日 星期三

What did you do when you do?

他在說這些話的時候同時在做什麼﹖他走下樓﹐聽另一個女子說話。他看著眼前稱讚咖啡杯的她﹐紅色骨瓷雕金花 - 他腦裡根本沒這些辭彙﹐她也沒有 - 這真好看﹐我也想要有一套。應是這樣講的。他看著她﹐想到別人。“別人”的眼神像一口井﹐心也是﹐費力也看不出深淺﹐只有石油一樣泛光的表面。




2010年1月25日 星期一

An Education - Lynn Barber

What did I get from Simon? An education - the thing my parents always wanted me to have. I learned a lot in my two years with Simon. I learned about expensive restaurants and luxury hotels and foreign travel, I learned about antiques and Bergman films and classical music. All this was useful when I went to Oxford - I could read a menu, I could recognise a fingerbowl, I could follow an opera, I was not a complete hick. But actually there was a much bigger bonus than that. My experience with Simon entirely cured my craving for sophistication. By the time I got to Oxford, I wanted nothing more than to meet kind, decent, straightforward boys my own age, no matter if they were gauche or virgins. I would marry one eventually and stay married all my life and for that, I suppose, I have Simon to thank.

But there were other lessons Simon taught me that I regret learning. I learned not to trust people; I learned not to believe what they say but to watch what they do; I learned to suspect that anyone and everyone is capable of "living a lie". I came to believe that other people - even when you think you know them well - are ultimately unknowable. Learning all this was a good basis for my subsequent career as an interviewer, but not, I think, for life. It made me too wary, too cautious, too ungiving. I was damaged by my education.

my harsh lesson in love and life


2010年1月24日 星期日


Whenever he feel mad, he whisper to himself: indifferent.




2010年1月23日 星期六


短暫的五分鐘出名也令我見獵心喜﹐握拳似平反了什麼怨情﹐自覺可笑 兼猥褻。拋上又自己跌下。

An Education: 先受教育﹐再教育他人。初心如死灰。


2010年1月16日 星期六

The Pleasure and Sorrows of Work - Alain de Botton

On Maldive Bureaucracy:

On our way out, he hands us a set of his business cards, allowing us to flash them at anyone who might cause us trouble on our peregrinations around his heavily policed island fiefdom. Unsure of how to pitch my gratitude, I suggest we have tea the next time he is in London.


On a tall and bearded Career Counsellor who looked as if he could wrestle a wolf to the ground, but (his) physical might belied the patient manner of a priest:

so kindly were his eyes, he seemed like someone who would be open to confessions of the most unusual sort. Not even the most extreme quirk of the mind appeared liable to surprise him or elicit humiliating judgement. I harbared a confused wish for him to be my father.


On Interview with CEO:

After twenty minute of this, I am tempted to ask when he was last troubled by his bowels in a meeting. But perhaps he speaks like this not so much because he wishes to keep secrets as because years of circumnavigating the earth, breathing conditioned air and headlining conferences, have hollowed out his personality. It may have been a decade since he was left alone in a room with nothing to do. I feel my boredom turn to pity for someone who one might otherwise imagine had precious little to be pitied for.


On Accountant after work:

For this particular combination of tiredness and nervous energy, the sole workable solution is wine. Office civilisation could not be feasible without the hard take-offs and landings effected by coffee and alcohol. The final approach will be made under the benign guidance of a Chilean Cabernet and the hypnotic, entirely untroubling retelling of the day's misdemeanours and cataclysms on the evening news.


On Work:

If we could witness the eventual fate of every one of our projects, we would have no choice but to succumb to immediate paralysis... our work will at least have distructed us. it will have provided a perfect bubble in which to invest our hopes for perfection, it will have focused our immeasureable anxieties on a few relatively smallscale and achievable goals, it will have given us a sense of mastery, it will have made us respectably tired, it will have put food on the table. It will have kept us out of greater trouble.

如果我們能目睹手上所有項目的終極命運﹐我們只有立即麻痺了... 工作至少能讓我們分心﹐製造一個完美的泡泡﹐讓我們投資所有追求完美的希望。讓我們將所有難以算計的焦慮投注在一些小規模、可以達成的目標上﹐感覺我們能掌握什麼。讓我們疲倦得很驕傲。維持生計。工作讓我們避開其它更嚴重的憂慮。

The impulse to exaggerate the significance of what we are doing, far from being an intellectual error, is really life itself coursing through us... To see ourselves as the centre of the universe and the present time as the summit of history, to view our upcoming meeting as being of overwhelming significance, to neglect the lessons of cemeteries, to read only sparingly, to feel the pressure of deadlines, to snap at colleagues, to make our way through conference agendas marked '11:00 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.: coffee break', to behave heedlessly and greedily and then to combust in battle - maybe all of this, in the end, is working wisdom. It is paying death too much respect to prepare for it with sage prescriptions. Let it surprise us while we are shipping wood pulp across the Baltic Seas,... Let death find us as we are building up our matchstick protests against its waves.

那種對我們的工作舉輕若重的衝動﹐決非理解錯誤﹐而是生命本身與我們擦肩而過... 視我們自己為宇宙中心、視此時如歷史之巔、像再來的那個會議有多麼重要、忽略死亡所能教導我們的課題、少量並謹慎地閱讀、感覺作業期限逼近的壓力、對同事發飆、會一個又一個開過去、在記事本寫上“十一點到十一點十五分﹕咖啡休息時間。” 貪婪而自私﹐在爭鬥中燃燒 - 或許這一切﹐都是工作的意義。我們多麼尊重死亡﹐不惜以鼠尾當藥單。讓死亡給我們一個驚喜﹐在我們正運送木屑穿過波羅的海... ﹐讓死亡找到我們時﹐看見我們正努力拼湊火柴棒以抵擋它的巨浪。

2010年1月7日 星期四

笑忘書 - Milan Kundera

Litost 是一種陷人於苦惱的狀態,它誕生於我們自身悲慘遭遇突然被揭露的真實現場。


她說得對,她的生命只維繫在一條細如蛛網的絲線上。 只消一陣微不足道的輕風撫過,食物的變動雖微乎其微,但一秒鐘前我們還當一回事的生命,卻會突然變成沒有意義的東西,裡面空無一物。