2010年5月5日 星期三

The Impulse Factor - Nick Tasler

You might fancy yourself as unpredictable, but even your self-proclaimed unpredictability makes you all too predictable.  

One of the peculiar traits often found in people with attention deficits is that they are also prone to periods of "hyperattentiveness."  Instead of their minds wandering, they become intensely focused.  It is as if their dopamine receptors roam aimlessly through a catalog of new experiences searching for adequate stimulation.  When they find that stimulation, they fervently attack it.  They "figure out a way to make it keep going."  If the time pressure were absent, the stimulation would be missing as well.

Seth Godin:"bring me three failures by the end of the week or you're fired."
"Now, of course, safe is risky."
"safest thing they can do, it turns out, is become a thrill seeker."
