2013年9月30日 星期一


...... 被歧視是怎麼回事,那是多麼地深深傷害人,只有受過歧視的人才能了解。疼痛是各自的事情,事後會留下各自的傷口。所以在要求公平或公正的這一點上,我想我也不落後任何人。只是,令我厭煩的是,那些缺乏想像力的人。就像 TS 艾略特說的《空心人》哪樣。那缺乏想像力的部份,空虛的部份,明明只是以無感覺的稻草塞滿而已,自己卻沒有發覺,還在外面招搖的人。而且把那無感覺,以空虛的語言排列出來,還要勉強推銷給別人的人。...... 不管是男同性戀,是女同性戀,是女性主義者,是法西斯的豬,是共產黨,是 Hare Krishna,是什麼都可以,這種事情都無所謂。不管你想舉什麼旗幟,我都完全不介意。我最無法忍受的是這種空洞的傢伙。當我面對這些人事後,我就會變得無法忍受。... 終究,殺死佐伯小姐青梅竹馬的戀人的,也是這些傢伙。缺乏想像力、氣量狹小、不寬容。獨斷獨行的命題、空洞的用語、被篡奪的理想、僵硬的組織。對我來說真正可怕的就是這些東西。我打心裡畏懼憎恨這些東西。什麼是正確的什麼是不正確的 - 當然這也是非常重要的問題。但是這種個別判斷的過失,很多情況,並不是事後不能更正的。只要有勇氣主動認錯,大多的情況是可以挽救的。可是缺乏想像力的小氣狹量和不寬容則像寄生蟲一樣。只會換一個宿主,改變個形式,到哪裡都會繼續下去。這就沒救了。

很多事情都不能怪你。不能怪我。也不是因為預言,不是因為詛咒。不是因為 DNA,不是因為安排得不好。不是因為結構主義,不是因為第三次工業革命。我們全都會消滅、會喪失,是因為世界的組織結構本身就是成立於會消滅會喪失之上的。我們的存在只不過是像那原理的剪影畫般的東西而已。風在吹著。有強烈狂暴的風,有輕微舒服的風。不過一切的風終究都會過去、會消失而去。風不是物體。那只是空氣移動的總稱而已。你仔細聽。你會理解那隱喻。




- 在遙遠的地方令人懷念的古老房間?


2013年9月29日 星期日













2013年9月27日 星期五

《After Leaving Mr Mackenzie》Jean Rhys

It was the darkness that got you.  It was heavy darkness, greasy and compelling.  It madewalls round you, and shut you in so that you felt you could not breathe.  You wanted to beat at the darkness and shriek to be let out.  And after a while you got used to it.  Of course.  And then you stopped believing that there was anything else anywhere.  

She wanted to attract and charm him.  She still realized that it might be extremely important that she should attract and charm him.  But she was unable to resist the dream-like feeling that had fallen upon her which made what he was saying seem unreal and rather ludicrously unimportant. 

2013年9月22日 星期日

《Everybody Into the Pool》Beth Lisick

Only when I walked into the store, and it turned out that the guy bragging about his Glock and his Uzi would be my next door neighbour did I get a little worried.  But then he clarified to all of us standing in line that he only used his weapons on haters who fucked with his shit.

2013年9月18日 星期三

《Birds of America》Lorrie Moore

Dance in America

"The thing to remember about love affairs," says Simone, "is that they are all like having raccoons in your chimney... And once we tried to smoke them out.  We lit a fire, knowing they were there, but we hoped that the smoke would cause them to scurry out the top and never come back.  Instead, they caught on fire and came crashing down into our living room, all charred and in flames and running madly around until they dropped dead."  Simone swallows some wine. "Love affairs are like that," she says. "They are all like that."

Community Life

He's been trying to look pleasant, but now he winced a little. "Oh, I see," he said. "Miss High-Minded.  You whose father made his living off furs.  Furs!"  He took two steps toward her, then turned and paced back again.  "I can't believe I'm living with someone who grew up on the proceeds of tortured animals!"

She was quiet.  This lunge at moral fastidiousness was something she'd noticed a lot in the people around here.  They were not good people.  They were not kind.  They played around and lied to their spouses.  But they recycled their newspapers!

Real Estate

They'd been married for twenty-three years.  Marriage, she felt, was a fine arrangement generally, except that one never got it generally.  One got it very, very specifically.

Terrific Mother

He was a practical man.  He often referred to the annual departmental cocktail party as "Standing Around Getting Paid."

"You don't understand," she said.  "Normal life is no longer possible for me.  I've stepped off all the normal paths and am living in the bushes.  I'm a bush woman now.  I don't feel like I can have the normal things.  Marriage is a normal thing.  You need the normal courtship, the normal proposal." She couldn't think what else.  Water burned her eyes.  She waved a hand dismissively, and it passed through her field of vision like something murderous and huge.

"Normal courtship, normal proposal," Martin said.  He took off his shirt and pants and shoes.  He lay on the bed in just his socks and underwear and pressed the length of his body against her.  "I'm going to marry you, whether you like it or not."  He took her face into his hands and looked longingly at her mouth.  "I'm going to marry you till you puke."

2013年9月5日 星期四


Beth Lisick's Indie girlfriend decisive moment.

2013年9月4日 星期三


