We want to have everything, want to be everything. We want to know all the pleasures of happiness, and every depth of suffering. We want the pathos of action and the peace of the on looker. We desire both the desert's stillness and the uproar of the forum. At once we wish to be the thoughts of the thinker and the voice of the crowd; we want to be both melody and harmony. At once! How can such a thing be posssible!
"I want to ride on horseback and take the boat."
Now I sit at my open window, writing - for whom? Not for any friend or mistress. Scarcely for myself, even. I do not read today what I wrote yesterday; nor shall I read this tomorrow. I write simply so my hand can move, my thoughts move of their own accord. I write to kill a sleepless hour. Why can't I sleep? After all, I've coommitted no crime.
2009年10月30日 星期五
Doctor Glas - Hjalmar Söderberg
2009年10月23日 星期五
La Chamade - Sagan
她掉開目光,低頭看到皮包上有道刮痕。得換個新皮包了。她盯著刮痕瞧,眼裏只有那道刮痕,想把全副心思都放在上面:在什麽地方刮到的?她在等,她在等她的 心臟再度跳動,等天色大亮,等隨便任何事情發生:一聲電話鈴響,原子彈爆炸,或是街上傳來一聲嚎叫,好掩蓋她內心無言的呼喊。可是什麽事都沒發生。
然 而,在這淩晨時分,讓她上身筆直坐在這張牀上的,是一股驕傲,這驕傲是上流社交圈人士所固有的,因之她幾乎忘了牠的存在。現在,在這股驕傲下,她發現了一 個最接近、最親密、最珍貴的盟友。就像個具有禀賦的騎士發現自己能靈巧地從公車底下穿過,都歸功於三十年來的騎士練習一樣。
我 是怎麽啦?我應該和其它人一樣,直接把單子扔了。這是什麽樣的怪癖啊?想讓人高興;想要晚上六點鐘的時候在艾瑪廣場與人建立親密的關係;想要每個人都喜歡 我。陌生人之間要有親密關係、要有情感大奔放,只能在對飲威士忌的時候、在有錢人的家裏、在封閉的酒吧裏,或者是在一場大革命中才有的。
2009年10月21日 星期三
It doesn't hurt
I know you're good, I know you're right.
I know you mean the best every time you stop by.
Don't know what to say, don't know how to act,
'cause I'm still moved by you
'cause you just have to ask
我知道你好 知道你是對的
我知道你 總是帶著好意來
不知說什麽 不知怎麽做
No. It doesn't hurt, unless I walk.
I don't feel any pain, unless I try to talk.
I don't even cry, unless I open my eyes.
I don't need to kick, or scream, or curse.
No. It doesn't hurt.
不。已經不痛了 除非我走
我感受不到任何痛苦 除非我試著開口
我已經不哭了 除非我張開眼
我不需要掙扎、尖叫 或詛咒
You don't have to call to make sure I'm up.
'cause I'm still wide awake
'cause I'm still lost, and shocked
I know you're concerned, I know you're just sick
and I know you'd feel better
if I were over it
你不用打電話來 看我是否醒著
因爲我依然迷失 驚慌
我知道你只是擔心 我知道你只是不舒服
I am wind
I am the sand
I am skin
I am a woman and I'm fine
and I deserve the time
to feel hurt
我是個女人 我很好
I know you're good, I know you're freaked.
And I know it's safer if you would just let me be
'cause what will you say that you haven't said
the question you ask me
just makes me feel better you left
我知道你好 你只是嚇壞了
你就讓我這樣吧 那會比較安全
因爲你還能說什麽 是你沒說過的呢
只會讓我感覺 你走了也好
So it doesn't hurt, unless I move
I don't feel anything, unless I think of you
I don't even cry, unless I open my eyes
I don't need to kick, or scream
所以 不痛了,除非我動
我不需要再鬧 再尖叫......
2009年10月2日 星期五
他不應該給她選擇。她從不會選擇。也不會問。她會的只是接受。他應該來到她門前。沒有什麼選擇﹐從來沒有。他應該告訴她是左是右。是這裡或那裡。今日。他應該給 - 所有他能給的﹐一句話也別說。