2010年3月28日 星期日

Liberty - Paul Eluard (1945)

On my school notebooks
On my desk and on the trees
On the powdery snow
I write your name

On the pages read
On all the blank pages
Stone, blood, paper or ash
I write your name

On the gilt imgaines
On the warriors' weapons
On the king's crown
I write your name

On the jungle and the desert
On the nests and the briers
On the echo of my youth
I write your name

On all my blue scarves
On the damp sunlit swamps
On the living moonlit lake
I write your name

On the fields, on the horizon
On the birds' wings
And on the shadowy mill
I write your name

On every daybreak breeze
On the sea, on the boats
On the demented peaks
I write your name

On the froth of the cloud
On the sweat of the storm
On the dense, flat rain
I write your name

On the scintillating forms
On the colorful bells
On the physical truth
I write your name

On the elevated paths
On the deployed roads
On the overcrowded city square
I write your name

On the lit lamp
On the spent lamp
On my reunited reasonings
I write your name

On the bisected fruit
Of my mirror and my room
On my bed, my empty shell
I write your name

On my dog, sweet gourmand
On his piqued ears
On his blundering paws
I write your name

On the latch of my door
On those familiar objects
On the torrent of a bonfire
I write your name

On all comfortable flesh
On the foreheads of my friends
On all outstretched hands
I write your name

On the windowpane of surprises
On the expectant lips
Far deeper than silence
I write your name

On my ruiined hiding-places
On my sunken lighthouses
On my walls and my boredom
I write your name

On absence without desire
On naked solitude
On death's march
I write your name

And by the power of a word
I regain my life
I was born to know you
To name you


The Infinity of Lists - Umberto Eco

The fear of being unable to say everything seizes us not only when we are faced with an infinity of names but also with an infinity of things.  

Quisquis amat ranam, ranam putat esse Dianam [whosoever loves a frog, thinks that frog Diana].

Finally, we come to the Mother of all Lists, infinite by definition because it is in constant evolution, the World Wide Web, which is both web and labyrinth, not an ordered tree, and which of all vertigos promises us the most mystical, almost totally virtual one, and really offers us a catalogue of iinformation that makes us feel wealthy and omnipotent, the only snag being that we don't know which of its elements refers to data from the real world and which does not, no longer with any distinction between truth and error. 

上癮五百年 Forces of Habit - David T Courtwright

我要...... 一個撒了糖霜的蛋糕﹐但希望是巧克力口味的﹐裡面的巧克力也要黑得像被燻黑的魔鬼屁股。Marquis de Sade

幸福感與解脫感都是化學分子湊巧產生的結果。只有少數有毒的分子(如果這些分子能夠順利進入循環系統並且穿越從血液到大腦的障礙) 能夠模擬或影響腦部的獎賞與痛苦的控制中樞之內的神經傳導素。身體機能在快感方面很是吝嗇。誘發幸福感的神經傳導素分配得非常儉省﹐而且大都發給對於求生或繁衍后代有益的表現。藥物會矇騙這個發送系統﹐促使這些誘發快感的神經傳導素暫時增多。

曾經上癮的人就算徹底解毒  - 古柯鹼之類的藥物完全戒除乾淨可能需要好幾個月時間﹐也會變了一個人。大腦會記得達到快感的化學藥物捷徑﹐生活環境中的細微線索 - 例如常去的酒館招牌 - 都可能挑起強烈的渴望。藥物上癮是一種慢性的﹐好復發的腦部疾病。




Michael Ondaatje - Divisadero

When I come to lie in your arms, you sometimes ask me in which historical moment do I wish to exist. And I will say Paris, the week Colette died... Paris, August 3rd, 1954. In a few days, at her state funeral, a thousand lilies will be placed by her grave, and I want to be there, walking that avenue of wet lime trees until I stand beneath the second-floor apartment that belonged to her in the Palais-Royal. The history of people like her fills my heart. she was a writer who remarked that her only virtue was self-doubt. (A day sor two before she died, they say Colette was visited by Jean Genet, who stole nothing. Ah, The grace of the great thief...)

'We have art," Nietzche said, "so that we shall not be destroyed by the truth."

那些我躺在你手臂上的時刻﹐有時你問我最想回到哪個歷史時段。我會說巴黎﹐科雷特過世的那個禮拜...... 1954年﹐八月三日的巴黎。幾天後﹐在她的國葬上﹐千百朵百合擺在她的墓前﹐我想在那裡﹐走過菩提树的大道﹐來到她在大皇宮二樓的公寓樓下。像她一樣的人生令我感動。她唯一的道德就是自我懷疑﹐這樣的一個作家。(人們說﹐惹內在她死前一兩天拜訪了她﹐什麼都沒偷。啊竊賊的善意...)


2010年3月25日 星期四

prayer in bad weather - Bukowski


it's not the fucking and sucking
alone that reaches into a man
and softens him, it's the extras,
it's all the extras.

2010年3月23日 星期二

Tropical of Cancer - Henry Miller

已經完全沒有什麼可以期待的了。這個體認對我來說﹐有非常重大的意義。日復一日﹐年復一年﹐可以說﹐這大半輩子我一直在期待能發生什麼事﹐期待外來的事件來改變我的生活﹐而現在﹐突然之間﹐由於對一切事情的徹底絕望﹐我得到解放﹐感覺好像一個重擔剛從肩膀上卸下來。天快亮的時候﹐我和年輕的印度人分手。走之前﹐我跟他要了幾個法郎﹐找個旅館睡不成問題。走到蒙帕那斯附近﹐我決定要讓自己隨波逐流﹐決不跟命運做任何抵抗﹐不管命運以什麼姿態出現。到目前為止﹐在我身上發生過的事情﹐還沒有任何一件足以摧毀我﹐被摧毀的﹐只是我的妄想。我人還是完好如初﹐世界也一樣完好如初。明天也許會有一場革命﹐一場瘟疫﹐或一場大地震﹔明天也許你就找不到半個人同情你﹐幫助你﹐鼓勵你。對我來說﹐一場巨大的災難似乎已經清清楚楚的擺在眼前﹐我再也不可能像這一刻一樣孤獨。我下定決心﹐絕對不再依附任何東西﹐絕對不再期待任何東西﹐今後我要像動物﹐野獸﹐流浪漢﹐土匪一樣過活。...... 我已經找到了上帝﹐可是他實在不夠看。精神上我是死了﹐肉體上我還活著﹐道德上我無牽無掛。我離開的世界是一個動物園﹐黎明的曙光正照耀著一個新的世界﹐一個叢林世界﹐在這個世界﹐野獸餓了就會伸長利爪﹐仰天長嘯。如果我是土狼﹐那我是一隻瘦又餓的土狼﹕現在我準備上路把自己養胖。

Niccolo Machiavelli, d. 1527

I desire to go to Hell and not to Heaven. In the former I shall enjoy the company of popes, kings and princes, while in the latter are only beggars, monks and apostles.

Charles Bukowski - The Genius Of The Crowd

there is enough treachery, hatred violence absurdity in the average
human being to supply any given army on any given day

and the best at murder are those who preach against it
and the best at hate are those who preach love
and the best at war finally are those who preach peace

those who preach god, need god
those who preach peace do not have peace
those who preach peace do not have love

beware the preachers
beware the knowers
beware those who are always reading books
beware those who either detest poverty
or are proud of it
beware those quick to praise
for they need praise in return
beware those who are quick to censor
they are afraid of what they do not know
beware those who seek constant crowds for
they are nothing alone
beware the average man the average woman
beware their love, their love is average
seeks average

but there is genius in their hatred
there is enough genius in their hatred to kill you
to kill anybody
not wanting solitude
not understanding solitude
they will attempt to destroy anything
that differs from their own
not being able to create art
they will not understand art
they will consider their failure as creators
only as a failure of the world
not being able to love fully
they will believe your love incomplete
and then they will hate you
and their hatred will be perfect

like a shining diamond
like a knife
like a mountain
like a tiger
like hemlock

their finest art

2010年3月22日 星期一

愛之逃 - Bernhard Schilink

他覺得如果自己留下來﹐就得和那女子上床﹐但是他不想。幾年前他突然決定戒煙﹐那種每天不再需要抽上五﹐六十根煙的輕鬆感﹐使他重新思考什麼是非必須品的問題﹐接下來放棄喝酒﹐然後愛情﹐然後食物 - 再來該輪到他的肉身成為非必須品﹐在他看來似乎是容易又自然的步驟。當初他穿上道袍出發時﹐戒掉了喝酒的習慣﹐並且體驗到不再每晚喝光一瓶紅酒的輕鬆感。開始過一個穿上道袍、力行獨身男人的生活時﹐他也接著進行下一步﹐吃飯對他而言反正已經越來越無所謂了。

2010年3月15日 星期一

Cahit Sitki Taranci 火車



2010年3月6日 星期六

遠方的鼓聲 - Haruki Murakami









