2013年4月16日 星期二

Every Love Story is a Ghost Story: A Life of David Foster Wallace

"This awkwardest of post-Imperial decades, an age suspended between exhaustion and replenishment, between input too ordinary to process and input too intense to bear." 

"as though the entire, every axiom of your life turned out to be false, and there was actually nothing, and you were nothing, and it was all a delusion.  And that you were better than everyone else because you saw that it was a delusion, and yet you were worse because you couldn't function."

... He made amends wherever he could, sometimes to excess. He wrote to his Arizona sponsor that "I struggle a great deal, and am 99.8% real," then crossed that out and wrote in "98.8%," noting in a parenthesis in the margin, "Got a bit carried away here."
