2008年7月19日 星期六






這些老套的理由只要認真看看嶺阿姨就知道不可能發生 - 看看父母和我一式一樣的扁面孔吧 - 有關血緣或愛情這種充滿陰謀的想像只會是我一廂情願的期待﹐愛上父母親更是只有他們彼此辦得成的事。經過多年﹐我想不出任何理由讓她出現在我們的生活﹐我們平凡無奇平鋪直敘的生活。或許這才是嶺阿姨人生中最魔幻的部份﹕一個反覆出現的正常家庭。

2008年7月14日 星期一


She have a
3 digit number
on her hand.
It's a tatoo,
she said. It's
the only man
I've loved. The
first night we
met, he wrote
his room number
on my hand,
then I never
see him again.

Way it is

When they talks about me - to me - it sounds like I'm dead already.

"That's just the way it is." They said. "This is the life you chose."

They enjoy my misery. Can't wait for me to become one of them, to submit myself into the excuses they always gave me: they have no choice, and life is just a series of misunderstanding that can't be correct.

I traced back to see where it gone wrong. It's like a joke. I told it so well that they end up thinking it's real. Once you have no fight left in you, they take you apart and left you an empty shell.


She waited two years
to get a divorce
just to recover from
her wedding.

2008年7月12日 星期六




好讓別人細看 窮愴或豪華








2008年7月9日 星期三

Persona (1966)

"A limitless, never satisfied, never renewed, unbearable curiosity drives me forward, it never leaves me in peace."

Don't you think I understand? the hopeless dream of being. Not seeming, but being. Consious at every moment. Vigilant. At the same time the chasm between what you are to others and to yourself. The feeling of vertigo and the constant desire to at last be exposed. To be seen through, cut down, perhaps even annihilated. Every tone of voice a lie, every gesture a falsehood, every smile a grimace. Commit suicide? oh no. that's ugly, you don't do that. But you can be immobile, you can fall silent. Then at least you don't lie. You can close yourself in, shut yourself off. Then you don't have to play roles, show any faces or make false gestures. You think... But you see, reality is bloody-mided. Your hideout isn't watertight. Life seeps in everything. You're force to react. No one asks if it's real or unreal, if you're true or false. It's only in the teathre the question carries weight. Hardly even there. I understand you, Elizabet, that you're immobile and silent. That you've placed this loack of will into a fantastic system.



2008年7月8日 星期二

黑色之書 - Pamuk


我永遠無法說服你為什麼我相信一個沒有英雄的世界。我永遠無法說服你為什麼那些創作出英雄的可悲作家們自己不是英雄。我永遠無法說服你雜誌裡你所見到的照 片是屬於另一個人種。我永遠無法說服你你必須要滿足於一個平凡的生活。我永遠無法說服你在那平凡的生活之中﹐我必須擁有一個位置。



2008年7月6日 星期日

Letter Unknown

我遇見極大的精神困擾﹐想著想著就嘔吐起來。我對無理感到噁心﹐對索討感到噁心 - 我不知道還有什麼可給你的。把腸子的一端放在別人那裡﹐他就擱在門檻上﹐誰來都踩一腳。誰來都看著礙眼。

有一個寫信的對象﹐if you can take me seriously. 我浪費了太多太多時間在幻覺上﹐但是幻覺還是好過別的﹐別的我目前所能想到的。








She does not really care about things happening around her, even most of people would say they are what's happening "to" her. She would have an idea, then everyone wants a piece of it. They want to put things right in their way, like it have everything to do with them. Most of things are repulsive, she cannot agree with them, but she can take. Humiliation. She would say "It's not what I want," or "No." But they insists. So she takes to save the trouble to explain. She hates to be in debt. And she is tired.

So that is that. These are these. If she fights for it she get despised. It's troublesome. Everytime she explains she feels like choking herself, while they are standing by ready to spit on her. She doesn't want to feel sorry, so she is sinful to herself. At least she knows what happens, and everybody else goes home happy.

She will never forgive nor forget.

2008年7月4日 星期五

the Godfather (1990)

Finance is a gun,
Politics is to know when to pull the trigger.

If I may, dear Father, I want to make a confession. While they slide through those hard, cold marble floor, looking all pure and clean.

If I may, Father, I want to believe they do have something that would redeem me, that I can repent, that I can be free of my conscience. So that sin is not the only thing I'm certain in my faith.

- There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. -

Blessed are the people that knows no sin.




2008年7月3日 星期四

On the way to 26





我仍然深深記得那時的感覺 - 像夏日將臉貼在瓜上 - 透心的﹐令人感動的發抖的涼氣﹐在地獄一樣的夏日﹐我的心頓時安靜下來。而我那時還不知道﹐那叫做美。


2008年7月1日 星期二

Curry day

There are seven sauces. Sour Cream, Green Pesto, Chopped Tomato, Curry, Soy, Teriyaki, Peppercorn. He goes shopping twice a week. Usually Tuesday and Friday. He bought four kinds of fruit, four kinds of vegetable, four kinds of meat, a canton of milk and a pack of bread for the morning. He eats the fruit in the afternoon. He takes out one kind vegetable and one kind of meat, cook them together, then add the sauce of that day. and that is that.

Sour Cream is Monday, Green Pesto for Tuesday, so on and so on. He feels wonderful with the soy sauce day, which is Friday. A bit lost with those peppercorn Sunday nights. He feels the mood of celebration with Teriyaki, forecast happiness with Curry. They came with their colour too. White Monday, green Tuesday, red Wedensday, yellow, black, brown, baige. 365 days of 52 turn, nothing changed for three years.

He read on his way to the office. Read after work. He arrives 2 hours earlier than his colleague, read news and feel empty. He paints in his notebook after lunch, sometimes he sleeps instead of paint. He got home around 10 o'clock, when the traffic passes. He watch a hour of TV. Then turn it off a hour before sleep. He had his TV on when he is eating, so he won't feel alone.

Love in the Afternoon (1972)

: we have nothing to say.
we'll drink in silence.

I know, but it is all meaningless, with no offices, things would go on.
they create nothing but words and paperwork.
what's so creative in serving a drink?
I give pleasure.

how good would it be to have some conversation in such stairway? it maybe better than kiss. I'm afraid I wouldn't get a chance to do it ever. You only have one life, how dreadful.