2008年8月20日 星期三

Zizek - the reality of the virtual

creation is simply imbalance of the universe.

love is an violent act. love is not i like all universe. love is i pick out something, then i love it.

20 years ago we still debating about Communism and Capitalism, today we just simply accept it. utopia is not to imagine a perfect society, utopia is an inner most urgency that we create out of desperation.

when a dictator receive applause, he just accept it, but when stalin accept applause, he applause himself.

i think we should have enough of them making us guilty, making us pay the dues of previous generations. we have had enough of being the material for someone else's dreams, whether those of partisans or their victims. we have had enough of the vampires that live off of us making us guilty, that are making us pay someone else's dues. today we need, only one stake, a wooden stake, together with garlic, to kill and destroy all sorts of vampires.

Churchill's paradox: private property is the worst of all possible systems. the problem is, as experience shows, there is no other that could be better.

you cannot find a book of Derrida without 1. quotation mark 2. rhetorical differentiation "if butler were to be ask "what is this"she would never have said "this is a bottle of tea." she would say something like "if we accept the metaphysical notion of that language identifing clearly objects, taking all these into accounts, then may we not like, the hypothesis is that, in the condition of our language game, this can be said as a "bottle of tea."

even love. today nobody dares to say "i love you" but can only say "the poet says 'i love you'" so today we afraid that if we say "i love you" we believe in it. it would mean too much.

Lacan: I always tell the truth, not the whole truth, beacuase one can't to say everything is impossible there aren't enough words, it's this iimpossibility which brings truth close to the real.

the marxist father would say "you're going to see your grandmother"
but a post-modernist father would say "you're going to see your grandmother, but you don't have to go if you don't want to."
but the child knows that he not only mean "you have to go." but also "you have to like it."

Happy meal: i go there pretends to be happy so he can be happy - what the hell this game sucks.
