2011年6月24日 星期五
2011年6月23日 星期四
《福婁拜的鸚鵡》Julian Barnes
- 別將我歸類成那些為性而愛或洩慾後便作嘔的普通傢伙。不:在我身上,一旦激起的感受不會快速減退。我心裡的城堡一建造出來,馬上就長出青苔;不過要過很長時間,城堡才會變成廢墟,而且不會全部變成廢墟。
- 我的內裡有種激進的、私密的、苦澀而不止歇的厭煩,阻止我去享樂,讓我的靈魂透不過氣來。這種東西會以各種形式顯現出來,就像溺水狗腫脹的身體仍會浮出水面,即使牠們的脖子已經綁上了石頭。
我不太在乎巧合,巧合令人毛骨悚然:巧合讓你暫時感覺到生活在這樣有秩序、上帝都安排得好好得宇宙裡會是什麼模樣,祂在你得肩頭後面看著,有關這個宇宙的計劃,不時丢給你一些露骨的暗示。我寧願相信事情是混亂,是不負責任的,也是永遠暫時性的瘋狂 - 去感受人類必然的漠視、殘酷、愚昧。
- 對我來說,如果我是你的丈夫,我們在一起可能會快樂。在我們快樂之後,我們就會憎恨彼此,這是很正常的。
- 像我們這樣的人一定都信仰著絕望。什麼樣的人就有什麼樣的命運,換句話說,要能對什麼都無動於衷。藉著說出“就是這樣!就是這樣!的話、藉著凝視腳底下的黑洞,我們才能夠繼續保持鎮靜。
- 幸福的三個必要條件 - 愚蠢、自私和健康;不過若是少了愚蠢,其他兩項便也無用了。
2011年6月20日 星期一
《深夜小狗神祕習題》Mark Haddon
2011年6月19日 星期日
《出事 情》Christian Gailly
2011年6月17日 星期五
《再見 柏林》Christopher Isherwood
有了孩子會讓你變得極端原始,像是某種野生動物之類的,只想保護幼小。唯一的問題是,我沒有幼小可以保護⋯⋯ 我想這是我現在對每個人都這麼暴躁的原因。
2011年6月3日 星期五
Money - Martin Amis
Uniformed men stood by impassively like sentries in their trench. I slapped my key on the desk and nodded gravely. I was loaded enough to be unable to tell whether they could tell I was loaded. Would they mind? I was certainly too loaded to care.
You really want to know? ... I get up at seven and write straight through till twelve. Twelve to one I read Russian poetry - in translation, alas. A quick lunch - nothing technical, nothing hard. four to five: European history, 1848 and all that. five to six: I improve my German. And from then until dinner, well, I just relax and read whatever the hell I like. Usually Shakespeare.
Selina says I'm not capable of true love. It isn't true. I truly love money. truly I do. Oh, money, I love you. You're so democratic: you've got no favourites. You even things out for me and my kind.
Happening to have turned out as the human being I am, the first thing I wonder about a woman is: will I fuck it? Similarly, the first thing I wonder about a man is: will I fight it?
Pain is very patient but even pain grows bored occasionally and wants to try its hand at something else. Even pain gets pissed, and craves variety. Pain doesn't always just want to hang around hurting all the time.
My theory is - we don't really go that far into other people, even when we think we do. We hardly ever go in and bring them out. We just stand at the jaws of the cave, and strike a match, and quickly ask if anybody's there.
2011年6月2日 星期四
《留住一切親愛的》John Berger
Guy Debord 未卜先知地寫道:“...... 大量生產的商品不斷累積,填滿了市場的抽象空間,彷彿它已打破所有宗教和法律的藩籬,以及中世紀用以維持手工品質的所有法人限制,這同時也摧毀了所在(Place)的自治與質地。
導致當前全球亂象的關鍵字,就是 de-localization (去在地化)或 relocalization(再在地化)。這指的不僅是把生產地移到勞工最低階且管制最少的地方。同時還包含了新興權力瘋狂無比的境外美夢:夢想把先前所有固著於“所在”之上的身份與信任侵蝕殆盡,好把全世界成單一的流動市場。
2011年6月1日 星期三
Why Look at Animals? John Berger
Their surplus of curiosity, their research (every animal searches, only apes research) make them suffer in two evident ways - and probably also in others, invisibly. Their bodies, forgotten, suddenly nag, twinge, and irritate. They become impatient with their own skin - like Marat suffering from eczema.
And then too, starved of events, they suffer boredom. Baudelaire's l'ennui. Not at the same level of self-doubt, but nevertheless with pain, apathy. The signs of boredom may resemble those of simple drowsiness. But l'ennui has its unmistakable lassitude. the body, instead of relaxing, huddles, the eyes stare painfully without focus, the hands, finding nothing new to touch or do, become like gloves worn by a creature drowning.
The act of creation implies a separation. Something that remains attached to the creator is only half-created. To create is to let take over something which did not exist before, and is therefore new. And the new is inseparable from pain, for it is alone.
The peasant way of eating is centred on the act of eating itself and on the food eaten: it is centrifugal and cultural. The first can complete itself in satisfaction; the second is never complete and gives rise to an appetite which, in essence, is insatiable.
What does the lover choose? He chooses to stake the world (the whole of his life) against the beloved. The beloved concentrates all the possibilities of the world within her and thus offers the realization of all his own potentialities. The beloved for the lover empties the world of hope (the world that does not include her). Strictly speaking, being in love is a mood in so far as it is infinitely extensive - it reaches beyond the stars; but it cannot develop without changing its nature, and so it cannot endure.
The equivalence between the beloved and the world is confirmed by the sex. To make love with the beloved is, subjectively, to possess and be possessed by the world. Ideally, what remains outside the experience is - nothing. Death of course is within it.
This provokes the imagination to its very depths. One wants to use the world in the act of love. One wants to make love with fish, with fruit, with hills, with forests, in the sea.