2011年6月3日 星期五

Money - Martin Amis

Uniformed men stood by impassively like sentries in their trench.  I slapped my key on the desk and nodded gravely.  I was loaded enough to be unable to tell whether they could tell I was loaded.  Would they mind?  I was certainly too loaded to care.

If you lose your rug, you can get a false one.  If you lose your laugh, you can get a false one.  If you lose your mind, you can get a false one.

Deep down, I'm a pretty happy guy.  Happiness is the relief of pain, they say, and so I guess I'm a pretty happy guy.  The relief of pain happens to me pretty frequently.  But then so does pain.  That's why I get lots of that relief they talk about, and all that happiness.

You really want to know? ... I get up at seven and write straight through till twelve.  Twelve to one I read Russian poetry - in translation, alas.  A quick lunch - nothing technical, nothing hard.  four to five: European history, 1848 and all that.  five to six: I improve my German.  And from then until dinner, well, I just relax and read whatever the hell I like.  Usually Shakespeare.

Selina says I'm not capable of true love.  It isn't true.  I truly love money.  truly I do.  Oh, money, I love you.  You're so democratic: you've got no favourites.  You even things out for me and my kind.

Happening to have turned out as the human being I am, the first thing I wonder about a woman is: will I fuck it?  Similarly, the first thing I wonder about a man is: will I fight it?

Pain is very patient but even pain grows bored occasionally and wants to try its hand at something else.  Even pain gets pissed, and craves variety.  Pain doesn't always just want to hang around hurting all the time.

My theory is - we don't really go that far into other people, even when we think we do.  We hardly ever go in and bring them out.  We just stand at the jaws of the cave, and strike a match, and quickly ask if anybody's there.
