2015年3月14日 星期六

《奇石》何偉 Strange Stones - Peter Hessler






    我喜歡別人要求彼得張接受他們的錢。我想像彼得張是一隻孤獨的狼,一個國際性的神秘人物,而且我喜歡接他的電話。一天晚上,當我和 Leslie 從鎮上吃晚餐回來,電話響了。

“彼得張的電話,” Leslie 接電話後說:“一個女的打來的,我想她說她是國家燈泡協會的員工。”



但我決定把這通電話聽完。通話狀況不是很好,電話中的女人說,聽完協會執行副總裁韋恩拉皮耶的錄音訊息後,會有一項只有一個問題的民意調查。錄音訊息的開頭是一個憤怒的聲音,所以我心裡想:老天,這個法國佬竟然為了燈泡把自己搞得這麼激動!但是接下來我明白了,原來我們把 rifle 聽成 lightbulb。美國來福搶協會正以電話針對科羅拉多州西南部的荒野進行一項導向性民調。










“嗯,”他說:“謝謝你的答覆。” 他非常客氣,沒有跟我爭辯,但他似乎無法結束這次電話談話 - 他顯然不是協會中那顆最明亮的燈泡,可以用光明一掃我的見解。最後,我說了再見,並掛掉電話。然後,在那晚剩餘的時間,彼得張可以休息了。

I liked it when people pleaded with Peter Chang to accept their money. I imagined him as a lone wolf, a figure of international mystery, and I enjoyed taking his calls. One evening, the phone rang just as Leslie and I were returning from dinner in town.

“It’s for Peter Chang,” Leslie said, after she answered it. “It’s a woman. I think she says she’s from the National Light Bulb Association.”

“What the hell is the National Light Bulb Association?”

“How should I know? Should I just hang up?”

But I decided to hear this one out. The connection was poor, and the woman said something about a one-question poll that would follow a recorded message from Wayne LaPierre, the executive vice-president of the association. The message began with an angry voice, and I thought, Man, this French guy seems awfully worked up about light bulbs. Then it dawned on me that we had confused the words “light bulb” with “rifle.” The N.R.A. was doing a push poll, working the wilds of southwestern Colorado by phone.

LaPierre explained that the United Nations was trying to pass the strictest gun-control treaty in history. Third World dictators were urging the law forward; it was also supported by liberal American officials and the media élite. After the message, a man got on the phone.

“Mr. Chang,” he said, “what’s your opinion about these Third World dictators and Hillary Clinton trying to ban firearms in the United States?”

“I’m in favor of it.”

“You’re in favor of what?”

“I’m in favor of them banning guns,” I said. “You have to understand, I’m from one of those Third World dictatorships. I’m from China. I don’t think people should have too much freedom.”

There was a long pause. “Well,” he said, “I appreciate your honesty.”

“What did you think I was going to say? If you call anybody named Chang, he’s going to say the same thing. We all feel the same way about this. We’re all coming from China, and we don’t want guns.”

“O.K.,” he said. “I understand what you’re saying.”

“We want a more powerful government, like we have in China.”

“Well,” he said politely, “thanks for answering.” He lingered on the line; he didn’t seem to know how to disengage himself. At last, I said goodbye and hung up, and Peter Chang took the rest of the night off.


《Doctor Dam》
