476 - 1375 Beyond the Desert
Economic trade: demand for labour
Source of energy before oil
476 羅馬帝國崩解後,世界分成幾塊不同地區 (Visigothic, Ostrigothic, Slavs, Berber, Byzantine, Nubia, Arab) Nubian和開羅變成奴隸和貨物集散中心,中東與非洲。
641 Arab expansion: Medina, Fustat, Alexandria
769 sign a pact with Nubians (360 slaves a year)
9c Abbasid dynasty, swamps around Basir into orchards 用非回教徒。
850 地中海到 caucasus, turkey, balkans, Russia
Nubia, Ethiopia, Zenj (Persian: black)
869 Zanj revolt: to Abbasaid dyn
50 to 1m slaves were massacred
Declined of Baghdad, rise of Cairo
埃及 late 10 - 13 世紀,印度來的奴隸開始變成主流。女奴進入家庭,也有陪小姐長大的婢女。Berber 開始變成回教徒,教阿拉伯人穿越薩哈拉沙漠。
1235 開羅到 Timbuktu(Mali首都)當時有大金礦,金礦和奴隸總是共生。Charleman 倒是禁止奴隸,但也有限。Timbuktu每個月出口千人奴隸,穿越沙漠會死30%。
1375 Catalan Atlas - 地圖 Trans Saharan slave trade: 350萬奴隸從北非港口出口到歐洲,甚至日本中國。7 - 14世紀。淺膚色奴役深色皮膚。
1375 - 1620 For All the Gold in the World
1443 葡萄牙 Henry the Navigator 為了打敗回教徒,找了一群罪犯穿過大西洋。一世紀間變得超有錢,從中國澳門來的船。用網捕捉平民,帶回去當作奴隸 - 1444 Lagos 上岸。想找金子,卻抓回奴隸。
Ceuta/ Genoa/ Messina/ Constantinople/ Crete/ Cyprus/ Aleppo - slave from Balkan
1453 Constantinople 大戰讓東線變成回教的。梵蒂岡報復回教的方法是鼓勵葡萄牙殖民和奴隸。
1455 大家瞬間都往非洲跑。
1471 佔領非洲小島 Sao Tome,發現 Kingdom of Kongo 沒有回教。王變成基督徒 King Alfonso. 歐洲來的新物品換 Kongo 的奴隸,帶奴隸去 Elmina 挖礦(Elmina 金礦 Gold Coast)
Sao Tome 第一次開始在這裡殖民,之後變成全球的殖民模式:種甘蔗、咖啡、可可。「強迫長時間勞動」
1500/2/23 Belen 出發,找到巴西
1516 Sao Tome 出產奴隸
Belen 的大教堂便是靠奴隸賺來的,但歷史在 1755 大地震消失了。
1500 有 10% 人口是黑人。
現在的南歐有一半以上人口都有非洲血統。Luanda 變成最大的奴隸出口港,23%左右,主要去巴西,一年兩萬人。
Sao Tome 開始有抵抗軍。葡萄牙人有意製造混血兒,多一層人可以保護純種白人 - the son of land. 開始綁架 Kongo 人。
1595 Amador 反抗軍革命成功。葡萄牙人把生意和有糖技術的農工帶去巴西、加勒比海。
1620 30萬人到美洲和加勒比海
1620 - 1789 Sugar to Rebellion
Guadeloupe -
74% of slave works for sugar
17th Sugar fever
Mid-16 Elizabeth times
1620 開始搶加勒比海海島
Enslaved Indians - Plantations
8 - 10 years of life expectancy in plantation (work force)
1680 London Bank of England
Lloyds - insurance
Black Wall - special trading area
1663 slave trade
Lorient, Nantes, La Rochelle, Bristol, Copenhagen, Liverpool, Bordeaux, Antwerp - Sail to Africa
1669 slave money flow back to Rouen, Orleans, Angoulene
Built 500 fleet, 74 gun ship
16000 Dutch
3000 England
Africa has fortress to hold these slaves in Gold coasts (Ashanti Fanti) European built all over the Atlantic coasts
Goods exchange slaves
Changed African culture: Powerful men emerges and violently kidnapped, detent, murder
逃進森林的奴隸:maroon slaves, cimarrón (西班牙語:逃走的牛)
1780 abolishinist 出現,印傳單
Zong massacre 船長丟奴隸下水,騙保險金
Granville Sharp: this is mass murderer
1789 Gustavus Vassa: Nigerian, 11 leave home, 21 buy freedom
7.7m deported.
1m from Senegambia
3.4m from Benin Biafra
3.2m from central Africa
73000 Eastern Africa
1800 山裡的人夠力反抗英國
Senegambia 開始抱怨物質文化
Hell middle passage
South Carolina, Charlestown
Stank of human misery
Foundation of American and European Atlantic capitalism
Britain 1633 - 1807
2,755,830 deportation
1807.3.25 British abolished slavery
1833 Salvery Abolition Act
1789-1888 Slavery New Frontiers
Rio 19th 2m slave arrived
Largest slave trade
After Nigeria 非洲黑人最多的國家
1791/8/22 slave revolution swept whole plantation system, 12 years
1804 Haiti Free
All move into America:
Sugar in Cuba
Cotton in US
Coffee in Brazil
Colonial vs Metropolitan
Industrial society need much more cotton
1815 cessation of slave trade on commercial rivals
3-5% to America
1800 - 1830 majority in America
Thomas Jefferson want to close the slave trade, so the slaves he own can be more valueable
1820 cotton trade along bank of Mississippi
1m slaves all deported down south
New Orleans and Natchez became new slave epicentre
Industrial slavery
14 - 22 years old
1815 - 1850
35 years 2.2m, 400000 captives from eastern coast Zanzibar
Worlds last slave trade port
1860 200000 out from Zanzibar, Arab and Swahili traders
1824 abolishment: Spanish - British - French - Dutch
1861 - 1865 American civil war
South still using law to repress
4m ppl emancipation
1873 European sent in armies in Africa west coast
After abolish, these slaves not going out, then stayed in and work
Abolitionist Explorers (missionaries)
1874 Henry Stanley buy land for Belgium king
Evangelising missions to imperialism
Stanley fall, Stanley pool
Use race - now African rulers whom trade 500 years have no rights
1888 Brazil abolishment
1891 230000 European arrives
Immigration of poor Europeans
12 centuries, 9 - 12m by Trans Saharan and Eastern routes
1516 - 1800 13m to America’s