2021年4月14日 星期三

《The End of Eddy》Édouard Louis





kind of sexual behaviour she didn't approve of. She was often angry. She'd take any occasion to voice her indignation, railing, day in , day out, against the politicians, against the new regulations reducing benefits, against the powers that be, which she hated from the deepest fibres of her being. And yet she would not hesitate to invoke those same powers she otherwise so hated when she felt ruthlessness was called for: ruthlessness in dealing with Arabs, with alcohol, with drugs, with any kind of sexual behaviour she didn't approve of. She would often remark that What we need is some law and order in this country. 

Years later, while reading the biography of Marie-Antoinette by Stefan Zweig, I will remember the people who lived in the village where I grew up, my mother in particular, when Zweig speaks of all the furious women, worn out by hunger and poverty, who, in 1789, descended upon Versailles to protest and who, at the sight of the monarch, spontaneously cried out Long Live the King!: their bodies - which had spoken for them - torn between absolute submission to power and an enduring sense of revolt. 

To keep us from seeing it as shameful, my mother would turn it into a game. We knew it was because we were poor and had no money; children understand that faster than people think. My mother would say Let's go collect some firewood, we could use a walk and it'll be fun. 

We pretended to believe her and she pretended to believe that we believed her. 

Sabrina's wish to study medicine provoked reactions of both amusement and scorn.

Listen to the stories that bimbo Sabrina tells about herself, thinking she's all special and better than the rest of us. Over time she gradually lowered her sights, just as my sister had done, from wanting to be a surgeon, to a general practitioner, then a nurse, then a nurse's aide, and then finally and in-home helper (making sure people took their medicine and wiping old people's arse, my mother's job).
