美國動物醫院協會報告指出, 70%的受訪女性表示,他們從寵物犬身上得到的關愛越多過於先生或小孩。
2021年8月31日 星期二
《Some We Love, Some We Hate, Some We Eat 為什麼狗是寵物,豬是食物》Hal Herzog
2021年8月29日 星期日
路易-勒內 德弗萊證實了這一點,他補充說:但是瑪格麗特和他一樣善於撒謊。他們互相欺騙。這是一種令人難以置信的關係。他就是謊言的具體代表,但是我喜歡他這樣。我還記得我們曾打算一起到多洛米蒂山去旅行。我和瑪格麗特在一起,本來和雅爾羅約好在羅馬碰頭。下著大雨,我們白等了好幾天。他根本沒打算來。
2021年8月23日 星期一
《精準預測 Signal and Noise》Nate Silver
2021年8月13日 星期五
《不穩定無產階級 The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class》Guy Standing
2021年8月11日 星期三
Interior Chinatown - Charles Yu
In that way, Sifu had gotten this old without anyone noticing. Including your mother-deemed to have aged out of Asian Seductress, no longer Girl with the Almond Eyes, now Old Asian Woman-living down the hall, their marriage having entered its own dusky phase, bound for eternity but separate continue to work in order to be able to support him and for that she needed a minimum amount of rest and peace of mind, all true, and that they were better apart than together, also true. The reality being that they'd lost the plot somewhere along the way, their once great romance spun into a period piece, into an immigrant family story, and then into a story about two people trying to get by. And it was just that: getting by. Barely, and no more. Because they'd also, in the way old people often do, slipped gently into poverty. Also without anyone noticing.
There's just something about Asians that makes reality a little too real, overcomplicates the clarity, the duality, the clean elegance of BLACK and WHITE, the proven template and so the decision is made not in some overarching conspiracy to exclude Asians bu because it's just easier to keep it how we have it. Two cops roaming the city. The precinct, the car, the bar after work. The decision is made but it's not a decision at all, it's the opposite. It's the way things are. You do the cop show. You get your little check. You wonder: Can you change it: Can you be the one who actually breaks through?
As, everyone knows, water hates poor people. Given the opportunity, water will always find a way to make poor people miserable, typically at the worst time possible.
"I have to talk with an accent because no one can process what the hell to do with me. I've got the consciousness of a contemporary American. And the face of a Chinese farmer of five thousand years ago. Asian Man. It's a fact. Look it up. No one likes us."
2021年8月5日 星期四
《思考的熱情:七位女哲學家的故事》Ingeborg Gleichauf
Hannah Arendt, 1906 - 1975
2021年8月4日 星期三
《拒看新聞的生活藝術:如何不看新聞卻又能掌控資訊流》Rolf Dobelli
2021年8月3日 星期二
《Portrait of a Marriage》Nigel Nicolson
”I did not know Violet. I met her only twice, and by then she had become a galleon, no longer the pinnace of her youth, and I did not recognize in her sails the high wind which had swept my mother away […]. I did not know that Vita could love like this, had loved like this, because she would not speak of it to her son. Now that I know everything I love her more, as my father did, because she was tempted, because she was weak. She was a rebel, she was Julian [Vita’s alter ego], and though she did not know it, she fought for more than Violet. She fought for the right to love, men and women, rejecting the conventions that marriage demands exclusive love, and that women should love only men, and men only women. For this she was prepared to give up everything. Yes, she may have been mad, as she later said, but it was a magnificent folly. She may have been cruel, but it was a cruelty on a heroic scale. How can I despise the violence of such passion?”